Tango Core Classes Reference
Tango API exceptions
All the exception thrown by this API are Tango::DevFailed exception. This exception is a variable length array of Tango::DevError type. The Tango::DevError type is a four fields structure. These fields are :
- A string describing the error type. This string replaces an error code and allows a more easy management of include files. This field is called reason
- A string describing in plain text the reason of the error. This field is called desc
- A string giving the name of the method which thrown the exception. This field is named origin
- The error severity. This is an enumeration with three values which are WARN, ERR or PANIC. Its name is severity
This is a variable length array in order to transmit to the client what is the primary error reason. The sequence element 0 describes the primary error. An exception class hierarchy has been implemented within the API to ease API programmers task. All the exception classes inherits from the Tango::DevFailed class. Except for the NamedDevFailedList exception class, they don’t add any new fields to the exception, they just allow easy "catching". Exception classes thrown only by the API layer are :
- ConnectionFailed
- CommunicationFailed
- WrongNameSyntax
- NonDbDevice
- WrongData
- NonSupportedFeature
- AsynCall
- AsynReplyNotArrived
- EventSystemFailed
- NamedDevFailedList
- DeviceUnlocked
On top of these classes, exception thrown by the device (Tango::DevFailed exception) are directly passed to the client.
The ConnectionFailed exception
This exception is thrown when a problem occurs during the connection establishment between the application and the device. The API is stateless. This means that DeviceProxy constructors filter most of the exception except for cases described in the following table.
Method name | device type | error type | Level | reason |
DeviceProxy constructor | with database | TANGO_HOST not set | 0 | API_TangoHostNotSet |
Device not defined in db or Alias not defined in db | 0 | DB_DeviceNotDefined |
1 | API_CommandFailed |
2 | API_DeviceNotDefined |
with database specified in dev name | database server not running | 0 | API_CorbaException |
1 | API_CantConnectToDatabase |
without database | Server running but device not defined in server | 0 | API_CorbaException |
1 | API_DeviceNotExported
AttributeProxy constructor | with database | TANGO_HOST not set | 0 | API_TangoHostNotSet |
Device not defined in db | 0 | DB_DeviceNotDefined |
1 | API_CommandFailed |
2 | API_DeviceNotDefined |
Alias not defined in db | 0 | DB_SQLError |
1 | API_CommandFailed |
2 | API_AliasNotDefined |
with database specified in dev name | database server not running | 0 | API_CorbaException |
1 | API_CantConnectToDatabase
DeviceProxy or AttributeProxy method call (except command_inout, read_attribute) | without database | Server not running | 0 | API_CorbaException |
1 | API_ServerNotRunning |
with database | Server ot running | 0 | API_DeviceNotExported |
Dead server | 0 | API_CorbaException |
1 | API_CantConnectToDevice |
Dead database server when reconnection needed | 0 | API_CorbaException |
1 | API_CantConnectToDatabase
DeviceProxy command_inout and read_attribute or AttributeProxy read and write | without database | Server not running | 0 | API_DeviceNotExported |
1 | API_ServerNotRunning |
2 | API_CommandFailed |
with database | Server not running | 0 | API_DeviceNotExported |
1 | API_CommandFailed |
Dead server | 0 | API_CorbaException |
1 | API_CantConnectToDevice |
2 | API_CommandFailed or API_AttributeFailed |
Dead database server when re-connection needed | 0 | API_DeviceNotExported |
1 | API_CantConnectToDatabase |
2 | API_CommandFailed |
The desc DevError structure field allows a user to get more precise information. These informations are (according to the reason field) :
- DB_DeviceNotDefined: The name of the device not defined in the database
- API_CommandFailed: The device and command name
- API_CantConnectToDevice: The device name
- API_CorbaException: The name of the CORBA exception, its reason, its locality, its completed flag and its minor code
- API_CantConnectToDatabase: The database server host and its port number
- API_DeviceNotExported: The device name
The CommunicationFailed exception
This exception is thrown when a communication problem is detected during the communication between the client application and the device server. It is a two levels Tango::DevError structure. In case of time-out, the DevError structures fields are:
Level | Reason | Desc | Severity |
0 | API_CorbaException | CORBA exception fields translated into a string | ERR |
1 | API_DeviceTimedOut | String with time-out value and device name | ERR |
For all other communication errors, the DevError structures fields are:
Level | Reason | Desc | Severity |
0 | API_CorbaException | CORBA exception fields translated into a string | ERR |
1 | API_CommunicationFailed | String with device, method, command/attribute name | ERR |
The WrongNameSyntax exception
This exception has only one level of Tango::DevError structure. The possible value for the reason field are :
- API_UnsupportedProtocol This error occurs when trying to build a DeviceProxy or an AttributeProxy instance for a device with an unsupported protocol. Refer to the appendix on device naming syntax to get the list of supported database modifier
- API_UnsupportedDBaseModifier This error occurs when trying to build a DeviceProxy or an AttributeProxy instance for a device/attribute with a database modifier unsupported. Refer to the appendix on device naming syntax to get the list of supported database modifier
- API_WrongDeviceNameSyntax This error occurs for all the other error in device name syntax. It is thrown by the DeviceProxy class constructor.
- API_WrongAttributeNameSyntax This error occurs for all the other error in attribute name syntax. It is thrown by the AttributeProxy class constructor.
- API_WrongWildcardUsage This error occurs if there is a bad usage of the wildcard character
The NonDbDevice exception
This exception has only one level of Tango::DevError structure. The reason field is set to API_NonDatabaseDevice. This exception is thrown by the API when using the DeviceProxy or AttributeProxy class database access for non-database device.
The WrongData exception
This exception has only one level of Tango::DevError structure. The possible value for the reason field are :
- API_EmptyDbDatum This error occurs when trying to extract data from an empty DbDatum object
- API_IncompatibleArgumentType This error occurs when trying to extract data with a type different than the type used to send the data
- API_EmptyDeviceAttribute This error occurs when trying to extract data from an empty DeviceAttribute object
- API_IncompatibleAttrArgumentType This error occurs when trying to extract attribute data with a type different than the type used to send the data
- API_EmptyDeviceData This error occurs when trying to extract data from an empty DeviceData object
- API_IncompatibleCmdArgumentType This error occurs when trying to extract command data with a type different than the type used to send the data
The NonSupportedFeature exception
This exception is thrown by the API layer when a request to a feature implemented in Tango device interface release n is requested for a device implementing Tango device interface n-x. There is one possible value for the reason field which is API_UnsupportedFeature.
The AsynCall exception
This exception is thrown by the API layer when a the asynchronous model id badly used. This exception has only one level of Tango::DevError structure. The possible value for the reason field are :
- API_BadAsynPollId This error occurs when using an asynchronous request identifier which is not valid any more.
- API_BadAsyn This error occurs when trying to fire callback when no callback has been previously registered
- API_BadAsynReqType This error occurs when trying to get result of an asynchronous request with an asynchronous request identifier returned by a non-coherent asynchronous request (For instance, using the asynchronous request identifier returned by a command_inout_asynch() method with a read_attribute_reply() attribute).
The AsynReplyNotArrived exception
This exception is thrown by the API layer when:
- a request to get asynchronous reply is made and the reply is not yet arrived
- a blocking wait with timeout for asynchronous reply is made and the timeout expired.
There is one possible value for the reason field which is API_AsynReplyNotArrived.
The EventSystemFailed exception
This exception is thrown by the API layer when subscribing or unsubscribing from an event failed. This exception has only one level of Tango::DevError structure. The possible value for the reason field are :
- API_NotificationServiceFailed This error occurs when the subscribe_event() method failed trying to access the CORBA notification service
- API_EventNotFound This error occurs when you are using an incorrect event_id in the unsubscribe_event() method
- API_InvalidArgs This error occurs when NULL pointers are passed to the subscribe or unsubscribe event methods
- API_MethodArgument This error occurs when trying to subscribe to an event which has already been subscribed to
- API_DSFailedRegisteringEvent This error means that the device server to which the device belongs to failed when it tries to register the event. Most likely, it means that there is no event property defined
- API_EventNotFound Occurs when using a wrong event identifier in the unsubscribe_event method
The NamedDevFailedList exception
This exception is only thrown by the DeviceProxy::write_attributes() method. In this case, it is necessary to have a new class of exception to transfer the error stack for several attribute(s) which failed during the writing. Therefore, this exception class contains for each attributes which failed :
- The name of the attribute
- Its index in the vector passed as argument tof the write_attributes() method
- The error stack
The following piece of code is an example of how to use this class exception
for (long i = 0;i < nb_faulty;i++)
cout <<
"Attribute " << e.
err_list[i].name <<
" failed!" << endl;
for (
long j = 0;j < e.
cout <<
"Reason [" << j <<
"] = " << e.
cout <<
"Desc [" << j <<
"] = " << e.
This exception inherits from Tango::DevFailed. It is possible to catch it with a "catch DevFailed" catch block. In this case, like any other DevFailed exception, there is only one error stack. This stack is initialised with the name of all the attributes which failed in its "reason" field.
The DeviceUnlocked exception
This exception is thrown by the API layer when a device locked by the process has been unlocked by an admin client. This exception has two levels of Tango::DevError structure. There is only possible value for the reason field which is
- API_DeviceUnlocked The device has been unlocked by another client (administration client)
The first level is the message reported by the Tango kernel from the server side. The second layer is added by the client API layer with information on which API call generates the exception and device name.
User event.
Definition: tango_const.h:1087
bool is_check_change_criteria()
Check if the change event criteria should be checked when firing the event manually.
Definition: attrdesc.h:495
string get_root_blob_name()
Get root blob name.
Definition: w_pipe.h:101
virtual Tango::AttributeValueList_5 * write_read_attributes_5(const Tango::AttributeValueList_4 &values, const Tango::DevVarStringArray &r_names, const Tango::ClntIdent &cl_ident)
Write then read attribute(s) value.
bool is_archive_event()
Check if the archive event is fired manually for this attribute.
Definition: attrdesc.h:516
Tango::DevVarShortArray * create_DevVarShortArray(short *ptr, long length)
Create a DevVarShortArray type.
Definition: device.h:729
An exception class.
Definition: apiexcept.h:54
string event
The event name.
Definition: event.h:458
vector< string > sys_extensions
Future extensions.
Definition: devapi.h:340
void set_exceptions(DevicePipeBlob::except_flags fl)
Set one exception flag.
Definition: pipe.h:331
void set_user_pipe_mutex(omni_mutex *mut_ptr)
Set pipe user mutex.
Definition: pipe.h:223
void exceptions(bitset< numFlags > fl)
Set exception flag.
Definition: devapi.h:951
bool is_writ_associated()
Check if the attribute has an associated writable attribute.
GroupReplyList write_attribute(const DeviceAttribute &d, bool fwd=true)
Writes an attribute on each device in the group.
Base structure for command information.
Definition: devapi.h:98
Tango::PipeWriteType get_writable()
Get the pipe writable type (RO/RW).
Definition: pipe.h:194
string event
The event name.
Definition: event.h:371
void set_max_warning(const char *def_max_warning)
Set default max_warning property.
Definition: attrdesc.h:194
static TANGO_NORETURN void re_throw_exception(Tango::DevFailed &ex, const string &reason, char *desc, const string &origin, Tango::ErrSeverity sever=Tango::ERR)
Re-throw a TANGO DevFailed exception with one more error.
Definition: except.h:1471
Tango::AttributeInfoEx AttributeInfoEx
Extended attribute configuration data.
static TANGO_NORETURN void throw_exception(const string &reason, const string &desc, char *origin, Tango::ErrSeverity sever=Tango::ERR)
Generate and throw a TANGO DevFailed exception.
Definition: except.h:651
void set_user_attr_mutex(omni_mutex *mut_ptr)
Set attribute user mutex.
Definition: attribute.h:482
static TANGO_NORETURN void throw_exception(char *reason, const char *desc, char *origin, Tango::ErrSeverity sever=Tango::ERR)
Generate and throw a TANGO DevFailed exception.
Definition: except.h:301
void set_min_value(const char *def_min_value)
Set default min_value property.
Definition: attrdesc.h:144
Attribute archive event configuration.
Definition: devapi.h:277
virtual void push_event(AttrConfEventData *ace)
attribute configuration change event callback method
Definition: devasyn.h:290
TemplCommandIn(const char *cmd_name, void(DeviceImpl::*exe_method)(INARG))
Constructs a newly allocated TemplCommandIn object for a command with a name and an execution method.
Definition: command.h:2587
AttrProp(const string &value_str)
Create a new AttrProp object.
Definition: attrprop.h:98
string min_alarm
Min alarm level.
Definition: devapi.h:225
static TANGO_NORETURN void re_throw_exception(Tango::DevFailed &ex, char *reason, char *desc, const string &origin, Tango::ErrSeverity sever=Tango::ERR)
Re-throw a TANGO DevFailed exception with one more error.
Definition: except.h:1625
void set_state(const Tango::DevState &new_state)
Set device state.
Definition: device.h:3591
string host
The host name where the device server process runs.
Definition: dbapi.h:865
Container class for all exception related methods.
Definition: except.h:74
bool err
A boolean flag set to true if the request failed. False otherwise.
Definition: devasyn.h:146
Tango::DispLevel disp_level
Display level.
Definition: devapi.h:206
bool is_check_archive_criteria()
Check if the archive event criteria should be checked when firing the event manually.
Definition: attribute.h:1708
string & get_lower_name()
Return the pipe name in lower case letters.
Definition: pipe.h:152
static TANGO_NORETURN void throw_exception(const char *reason, const char *desc, const string &origin, Tango::ErrSeverity sever=Tango::ERR)
Generate and throw a TANGO DevFailed exception.
Definition: except.h:616
vector< long > writable_attr_list
The list of writable attribute.
Definition: multiattribute.h:268
string description
Attribute description.
Definition: attrprop.h:571
Base class for all TANGO device since version 5.
Definition: device_5.h:72
Attribute event configuration.
Definition: devapi.h:295
void set_exceptions(except_flags fl)
Set one exception flag.
Definition: devapi.h:579
virtual void cmd_ended(CmdDoneEvent *cde)
Asynchronous command execution callback method.
Definition: devasyn.h:251
Fundamental type for receiving data from device attribute polling buffers.
Definition: devapi.h:633
GroupAttrReplyList read_attribute(const std::string &a, bool fwd=true)
Reads an attribute on each device in the group.
struct timeval & get_write_date()
Retrieve the date of the last attribute writing.
Definition: w_attribute.h:196
This class represents a writable attribute.
Definition: w_attribute.h:68
bool check_alarm(const char *attr_name)
Check alarm for one attribute with a given name.
Definition: multiattribute.h:207
DeviceAttribute & get_data()
Get attribute data.
vector< TimedCmdData< T > > & get_data()
Get stack data.
string max_alarm
max alarm level
Definition: devapi.h:226
void set_disp_level(Tango::DispLevel level)
Set the command display level.
Definition: command.h:370
vector< string > extensions
For future extensions.
Definition: devapi.h:377
vector< Attribute * > attr_list
The Attribute objects vector.
Definition: multiattribute.h:262
string unit
The attribute unit.
Definition: attribute.h:2022
string host
The host name where the device server process is running.
Definition: dbapi.h:841
void set_max_warning(const T &new_max_warning)
Set attribute maximum warning.
void exceptions(bitset< DevicePipeBlob::numFlags > fl)
Set exception flag.
Definition: pipe.h:295
This class is a used to pass an attribute value history when the user directly fills the attribute po...
Definition: pollext.h:722
bool has_failed()
Check if the record was a failure.
Definition: devapi.h:661
MultiClassPipe * get_class_pipe()
Get a pointer to the class pipes object.
Definition: deviceclass.h:276
Tango::DispLevel disp_level
The command display level.
Definition: devapi.h:133
struct Tango::ArchiveEventInfo ArchiveEventInfo
Attribute archive event configuration.
bool is_max_value()
Check if the attribute has a maximum value.
Definition: w_attribute.h:145
PeriodicEventInfo per_event
Attribute periodic event info.
Definition: devapi.h:301
void set_value_date_quality(Tango::DevShort *p_data, time_t t, Tango::AttrQuality qual, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
Set internal attribute value, date and quality factor (for Tango::DevShort attribute data type).
TimedCmdData(T *p_data, time_t when)
Create a new TimedCmdData object.
vector< string > extensions
For future extensions.
Definition: devapi.h:188
vector< TimedAttrData< T > > & get_data()
Get stack data.
string lower_name
The pipe name in lower case.
Definition: pipe.h:427
string & get_name()
Get device name.
Definition: device.h:240
string description
The attribute description.
Definition: attribute.h:2018
virtual Tango::ConstDevString dev_status()
Get device status.
DevErrorList errors
The error stack.
Definition: event.h:291
void server_cleanup()
Cleanup a Tango device server process before exit.
Constructs a newly allocated UserDefaultPipeProp object.
Definition: pipedesc.h:68
Base class for Tango device access.
Definition: devapi.h:56
Device_5Impl(DeviceClass *device_class, string &dev_name)
Constructs a newly allocated Device_5Impl object from its name.
enum Tango::_AttrMemorizedType AttrMemorizedType
Possible memorized attribute type.
string & get_name()
Return the command name.
Definition: command.h:286
void get_write_value(const Tango::ConstDevString *&ptr)
Retrieve the new value for writable attribute when attribute data type is Tango::DevString and the at...
Definition: w_attribute.h:311
Read attribute(s) even if one of the written attribute(s) failed.
Definition: tango_const.h:1133
DeviceClass * device_class
Pointer to the device-class object associated with the device.
Definition: device.h:3276
long get_max_dim_x()
Get attribute maximum data size in x dimension.
Definition: attribute.h:412
void set_server_version(const char *vers)
Set the device server version.
Definition: utils.h:357
void clear()
Clear the stack.
Definition: pollext.h:752
void set_properties(Tango::MultiAttrProp< T > &props)
Set all modifiable attribute properties in one call.
bool is_data_ready_event()
Check if the data ready event is fired for this attribute.
Definition: attrdesc.h:536
High level class allowing the user to handle Tango group.
Definition: group.h:734
virtual ~Device_5Impl()
The device desctructor.
Definition: device_5.h:154
DbDevice * db_dev
Pointer to the associated DbDevice object.
Definition: device.h:3284
virtual void set_attribute_config_5(const Tango::AttributeConfigList_5 &new_conf, const Tango::ClntIdent &cl_ident)
Set attribute(s) configuration.
vector< string > enum_labels
Enumeration labels when the attribute data type is DevEnum.
Definition: attribute.h:2132
Tango::DevVarLongArray * create_DevVarLongArray(DevLong *ptr, long length)
Create a DevVarLongArray type.
Definition: device.h:746
struct Tango::PeriodicEventInfo PeriodicEventInfo
Attribute periodic event configuration.
void set_name(const string &blob_name)
Set blob name.
Definition: devapi.h:156
This class is a class representing a command in the TANGO device server pattern.
Definition: command.h:83
Attribute(vector< AttrProperty > &prop_list, Attr &tmp_attr, string &dev_name, long idx)
Create a new Attribute object.
void get_write_value(const Tango::DevLong64 *&ptr)
Retrieve the new value for writable attribute when attribute data type is Tango::DevLong64 and the at...
Definition: w_attribute.h:253
void get_write_value(const Tango::DevLong *&ptr)
Retrieve the new value for writable attribute when attribute data type is Tango::DevLong and the attr...
Definition: w_attribute.h:234
This class is a class representing a command in the template command model without input or output pa...
Definition: command.h:1291
string min_alarm_str
The attribute minimum alarm level.
Definition: attribute.h:2044
Callback pull model.
Definition: devapi.h:415
void set_description(const char *def_desc)
Set default description property.
Definition: attrdesc.h:94
void read_alarm(string &status)
Add alarm message to device status.
DeviceProxy * device
Definition: event.h:90
string out_type_desc
The command output parameter type.
Definition: command.h:1237
bitset< DbDatum::numFlags > exceptions()
Get exception flag.
Definition: dbapi.h:578
A database object for a device server which can be used to query or modify server database informatio...
Definition: dbapi.h:157
bool has_failed() const
Check if an error has occured.
Definition: group.h:492
virtual PortableServer::POA_ptr _default_POA()
Return device POA.
void set_str(const string &value_str)
Set string representation of the compound attribute property values.
Definition: attrprop.h:479
void set_quality(Tango::AttrQuality qua, bool send_event=false)
Set attribute data quality.
void set_unit(const char *def_unit)
Set default unit property.
Definition: attrdesc.h:104
long write_attribute_asynch(const DeviceAttribute &d, bool fwd=true)
Writes an attribute on each device in the group asynchronously.
bitset< numFlags > state()
Get instance insertion/extraction state.
Definition: devapi.h:615
void reset_exceptions(except_flags fl)
Reset one exception flag.
Definition: devapi.h:571
AttributeEventInfo events
The attribute events configuration.
Definition: devapi.h:339
string archive_rel_change
Archive relative change threshold.
Definition: devapi.h:282
void set_description(const string &def_desc)
Set default description property.
Definition: pipedesc.h:88
Attribute configuration data extension.
Definition: devapi.h:201
static TANGO_NORETURN void re_throw_exception(Tango::DevFailed &ex, char *reason, char *desc, char *origin, Tango::ErrSeverity sever=Tango::ERR)
Re-throw a TANGO DevFailed exception with one more error.
Definition: except.h:1141
void fire_event(vector< string > &filt_names, vector< double > &filt_vals, DevFailed *except=NULL)
Fire a user event for the attribute value.
Tango::AttrWriteType writable
The attribute writable flag.
Definition: attribute.h:1984
static TANGO_NORETURN void re_throw_exception(Tango::DevFailed &ex, char *reason, const char *desc, char *origin, Tango::ErrSeverity sever=Tango::ERR)
Re-throw a TANGO DevFailed exception with one more error.
Definition: except.h:1063
Tango::DispLevel get_disp_level()
Return the pipe display level.
Definition: pipe.h:187
size_t length()
Get stack depth.
Definition: pollext.h:740
string unit
Attribute unit.
Definition: attrprop.h:575
Tango::DevVarLong64Array * create_DevVarLong64Array(DevLong64 *ptr, long length)
Create a DevVarLong64Array type.
Definition: device.h:763
bool extract(std::vector< DevLong > &vl, std::vector< std::string > &vs)
Get command data and extract them (DevVarLongStringArray)
void set_enum_labels(vector< string > &def_enum_labels)
Set default enumeration labels.
Definition: attrdesc.h:284
Tango::Device_var get_d_var()
Get the associated CORBA object reference.
Definition: device.h:302
void get_write_value(Tango::DevFloat &val)
Retrieve the new value for writable attribute when attribute data type is Tango::DevFloat.
Definition: w_attribute.h:263
string type
The TANGO device type name.
Definition: deviceclass.h:416
This class represents a Tango attribute.
Definition: attribute.h:149
void set_min_warning(const char *def_min_warning)
Set default min_warning property.
Definition: attrdesc.h:184
long get_tango_lib_release()
Get the TANGO library version number.
void set_label(const char *def_label)
Set default label property.
Definition: attrdesc.h:84
virtual ~DeviceImpl()
The device desctructor.
bool is_there_subscriber(const string &att_name, EventType event_type)
Check if there is subscriber(s) listening for the event.
void set_archive_event_rel_change(const char *def_archive_rel_change)
Set default archive event rel_change property.
Definition: attrdesc.h:264
AttrProp< T > max_warning
Attribute max_warning.
Definition: attrprop.h:611
long max_x
The attribute maximum x dimension.
Definition: attribute.h:2004
bool is_max_alarm()
Check if the attribute is in maximum alarm condition .
Definition: attribute.h:246
virtual Tango::DevCmdInfo_2 * command_query_2(const char *command)
Get command info.
int get_trace_level()
Get the process trace level.
Definition: utils.h:247
virtual void write_attr_hardware(vector< long > &attr_list)
Write the hardware for attributes.
Definition: device.h:503
Base class for all TANGO device-class class.
Definition: deviceclass.h:76
Pipe & operator<<(short &datum)
Insert data into a device pipe.
GroupCmdReplyList command_inout(const std::string &c, bool fwd=true)
Executes a Tango command on a group.
string name
The pipe name.
Definition: pipe.h:423
void extract(const CORBA::Any &in, Tango::DevBoolean &data)
Extract a boolean data from a CORBA Any object.
void get_write_value(Tango::DevLong64 &val)
Retrieve the new value for writable attribute when attribute data type is Tango::DevLong64.
Definition: w_attribute.h:243
CORBA::Any * execute(DeviceImpl *dev, const CORBA::Any &in_any)
Invoke the command execution method given at object creation time.
Definition: command.h:3287
void reset()
Reset the object.
Definition: group.h:501
bool is_archive_event()
Check if the archive event is fired manually for this attribute.
Definition: attribute.h:1701
virtual ~Attr()
The object destructor.
AttrProp & operator=(const char *value_str)
Assign the string representation of the attribute property value.
Definition: attrprop.h:130
void server_run()
Run the CORBA event loop.
string & get_desc()
Return the pipe description.
Definition: pipe.h:173
long get_size(bool fwd=true)
Return the number of devices in the hierarchy.
int max_dim_x
Max dim X.
Definition: devapi.h:175
virtual DeviceProxy * get_device(const std::string &device_name)
Returns a reference to the specified device.
string max_value
Max value.
Definition: devapi.h:184
size_t length()
Get stack depth.
Definition: pollext.h:927
Tango::Attr_CheckVal max_value
The attribute maximum value in binary format.
Definition: attribute.h:2100
CORBA::Any * execute(DeviceImpl *dev, const CORBA::Any &in_any)
Invoke the command execution method given at object creation time.
Definition: command.h:2751
DeviceData & get_data()
Get command data.
Attribute configuration change event callback execution data.
Definition: event.h:172
CORBA::ORB_ptr get_orb()
Get a reference to the CORBA ORB.
Definition: utils.h:222
int get_data_elt_type(size_t ind)
Get root blob data element value type.
Definition: w_pipe.h:153
virtual Tango::AttributeValueList_4 * read_attributes_4(const Tango::DevVarStringArray &names, Tango::DevSource source, const Tango::ClntIdent &cl_ident)
Read attribute(s) value.
void set_type(string &dev_type)
Set the TANGO device type name.
Definition: deviceclass.h:282
bool check_alarm()
Check if the attribute read value is below/above the alarm level.
Device pipe event.
Definition: tango_const.h:1091
WAttribute(vector< AttrProperty > &prop_list, Attr &tmp_attr, string &dev_name, long idx)
Create a new Writable Attribute object.
TimedCmdData(DevErrorList errs, time_t when)
Create a new TimedCmdData object for errors.
Definition: pollext.h:856
Tango::TimeVal & get_date()
Get attribute date.
Definition: attribute.h:348
Tango::AttrDataFormat get_data_format()
Get attribute data format.
Definition: attribute.h:322
void set_date(struct timeval &t)
Set attribute date.
Definition: attribute.h:368
There is one instance of this class for each device.
Definition: multiattribute.h:87
static TANGO_NORETURN void throw_exception(char *reason, char *desc, const char *origin, Tango::ErrSeverity sever=Tango::ERR)
Generate and throw a TANGO DevFailed exception.
Definition: except.h:338
string & get_name()
Get attribute name.
Definition: attribute.h:310
vector< AttributeInfoEx > AttributeInfoListEx
vector of AttributeInfoEx structure
Definition: devapi.h:359
virtual ~Group()
Create a Group instance.
Tango::DevVarStringArray * create_DevVarStringArray(char **ptr, long length)
Create a DevVarStringArray type.
Definition: device.h:862
virtual void pipe_factory()
Create all the pipes supported by this class of device.
Definition: deviceclass.h:145
vector< string > extensions
Future extensions.
Definition: devapi.h:251
void get_min_value(T &min_value)
Gets attribute minimum value or throws an exception if the attribute does not have a minimum value.
vector< DeviceAttribute > * argout
The attribute data.
Definition: devasyn.h:145
string desc
The device description.
Definition: device.h:3260
void fire_archive_event(DevFailed *except=NULL)
Fire an archive event for the attribute value.
Extended attribute configuration data.
Definition: devapi.h:330
Attribute configuration change event.
Definition: tango_const.h:1088
void set_name(string &new_name)
Set the command name.
Definition: command.h:293
Tango::DevVarDoubleArray * create_DevVarDoubleArray(double *ptr, long length)
Create a DevVarDoubleArray type.
Definition: device.h:795
int pid
The device server process PID.
Definition: dbapi.h:867
string description
Pipe description.
Definition: devapi.h:373
void set_disp_level(Tango::DispLevel level)
Set the attribute display level.
Definition: attrdesc.h:446
WAttribute & get_w_attr_by_name(const char *attr_name)
Get Writable Attribute object from its name.
static TANGO_NORETURN void throw_exception(char *reason, const string &desc, char *origin, Tango::ErrSeverity sever=Tango::ERR)
Generate and throw a TANGO DevFailed exception.
Definition: except.h:797
string get_data_elt_name(size_t ind)
Get root blob data element name.
Definition: w_pipe.h:144
string & get_ds_name()
Get the device server name.
Definition: utils.h:307
string attr_name
The attribute name.
Definition: event.h:91
virtual Tango::DevAttrHistoryList_3 * read_attribute_history_3(const char *name, CORBA::Long n)
Read attribute value history.
TimedAttrData(const T *p_data, time_t when)
Create a new TimedAttrData object.
Tango::AttrQuality & get_quality()
Get attribute data quality.
Definition: attribute.h:386
Device_3Impl(DeviceClass *device_class, string &dev_name)
Constructs a newly allocated Device_3Impl object from its name.
void set_archive_event(string attr_name, bool implemented, bool detect=true)
Set an implemented flag for the attribute to indicate that the server fires archive events manually,...
User class to create a no dimension attribute object.
Definition: attrdesc.h:376
DoubleAttrProp< DevDouble > archive_abs_change
Attribute archive_abs_change.
Definition: attrprop.h:643
This class is used to store one element of a command history stack.
Definition: pollext.h:799
vector< Attribute * > & get_attribute_list()
Get the vector of attribute objects.
Definition: multiattribute.h:251
long cmd_tag
The command tag.
Definition: devapi.h:104
Constructs a newly allocated UserDefaultAttrProp object.
Definition: attrdesc.h:74
void set_pipe_serial_model(PipeSerialModel ser_model)
Set pipe serialization model.
static bool enable_exception(bool exception_mode=true)
Enable/Disable exception.
Default constructor.
Definition: attrprop.h:556
ChangeEventInfo ch_event
Attribute change event info.
Definition: devapi.h:300
static TANGO_NORETURN void re_throw_exception(Tango::DevFailed &ex, const string &reason, const char *desc, const char *origin, Tango::ErrSeverity sever=Tango::ERR)
Re-throw a TANGO DevFailed exception with one more error.
Definition: except.h:1288
void set_delta_val(const char *def_delta_val)
Set default RDS alarm delta_val property.
Definition: attrdesc.h:214
void exceptions(bitset< numFlags > fl)
Set exception flag.
Definition: devapi.h:543
string name
The TANGO device class name.
Definition: deviceclass.h:408
static TANGO_NORETURN void re_throw_exception(Tango::DevFailed &ex, char *reason, char *desc, const char *origin, Tango::ErrSeverity sever=Tango::ERR)
Re-throw a TANGO DevFailed exception with one more error.
Definition: except.h:1102
string & get_assoc_name()
Get name of the associated writable attribute.
Definition: attribute.h:328
long get_polling_period()
Get attribute polling period.
Definition: attribute.h:433
void set_change_event(string attr_name, bool implemented, bool detect=true)
Set an implemented flag for the attribute to indicate that the server fires change events manually,...
A database object for a class which can be used to query or modify class properties.
Definition: dbapi.h:267
string ds_full_name
The full device server process name.
Definition: dbapi.h:840
string max_alarm_str
The attribute maximun alarm level.
Definition: attribute.h:2048
static TANGO_NORETURN void re_throw_exception(Tango::DevFailed &ex, const string &reason, const char *desc, const string &origin, Tango::ErrSeverity sever=Tango::ERR)
Re-throw a TANGO DevFailed exception with one more error.
Definition: except.h:1252
MultiClassAttribute * class_attr
Pointer to the class multi attribute object.
Definition: deviceclass.h:432
GroupReplyList write_attribute_reply(long req_id, long tmo_ms=0)
Returns the acknowledgements of an asynchronous attribute writing.
void set_date(Tango::TimeVal &new_date)
Set attribute date.
Definition: attribute.h:354
void set_memorized()
Set the attribute as memorized in database (only for scalar and writable attribute) By default the se...
Base class for all TANGO device since version 2.
Definition: device_2.h:77
string out_type_desc
Ouptput parameter description.
Definition: devapi.h:108
bool has_failed()
Check insertion/extraction success.
static TANGO_NORETURN void throw_named_exception(vector< string > &atts, const char *reason, const char *desc, const char *origin, Tango::ErrSeverity sever=Tango::ERR)
Throw a TANGO MultiDevFailed exception.
Definition: except.h:1770
static TANGO_NORETURN void re_throw_exception(Tango::DevFailed &ex, const string &reason, const string &desc, char *origin, Tango::ErrSeverity sever=Tango::ERR)
Re-throw a TANGO DevFailed exception with one more error.
Definition: except.h:1433
virtual void always_executed_hook(void)
Hook method.
Definition: device.h:455
AttrProp< T > delta_val
Attribute delta_val.
Definition: attrprop.h:619
Tango::DevVarUShortArray * create_DevVarUShortArray(unsigned short *ptr, long length)
Create a DevVarUShortArray type.
Definition: device.h:811
string desc
The pipe description.
Definition: pipe.h:431
PortableServer::ObjectId_var & get_obj_id()
Get the associated CORBA object identifier.
Definition: device.h:322
void set_min_alarm(const char *def_min_alarm)
Set default min_alarm property.
Definition: attrdesc.h:164
string name
The device name.
Definition: dbapi.h:818
This class represents a Tango compound attribute property which consists of two values.
Definition: attrprop.h:272
Device_4Impl(DeviceClass *device_class, string &dev_name)
Constructs a newly allocated Device_4Impl object from its name.
static TANGO_NORETURN void throw_exception(const char *reason, const string &desc, const char *origin, Tango::ErrSeverity sever=Tango::ERR)
Generate and throw a TANGO DevFailed exception.
Definition: except.h:582
DServer * get_dserver_device()
Get a reference to the dserver device attached to the device server process.
bool dev_started
Device started flag (true when event sent due to device being (re)started and with only a possible bu...
Definition: event.h:375
This class is a used to store TANGO device server process data and to provide the user with a set of ...
Definition: utils.h:153
Fundamental type for receiving data from device command polling buffers.
Definition: devapi.h:510
long version
The device version.
Definition: device.h:3272
Device information for Database device creation.
Definition: dbapi.h:795
vector< NamedDevFailed > err_list
There is one element in this vector for each attribute which failed during its writing.
Definition: apiexcept.h:99
static TANGO_NORETURN void re_throw_exception(Tango::DevFailed &ex, const char *reason, char *desc, char *origin, Tango::ErrSeverity sever=Tango::ERR)
Re-throw a TANGO DevFailed exception with one more error.
Definition: except.h:986
void stop_poll_command(const string &cmd_name)
Stop polling one command.
void unregister_signal(long signo)
Unregister a signal.
User class to set forwarded attribute default properties.
Definition: fwdattrdesc.h:58
long assoc_ind
Index in the main attribute vector of the associated writable attribute (if any)
Definition: attribute.h:2076
TimedCmdData(DevErrorList errs, timeval when)
Create a new TimedCmdData object for errors.
Definition: pollext.h:866
DevErrorList & errors
The error stack.
Definition: devasyn.h:94
virtual ~Attribute()
The attribute destructor.
virtual Tango::AttributeConfigList_3 * get_attribute_config_3(const Tango::DevVarStringArray &names)
Get attribute(s) configuration.
long get_data_type()
Get attribute data type.
Definition: attribute.h:316
bool is_svr_starting()
Check if the device server process is in its starting phase.
Definition: utils.h:517
void set_data_elt_nb(size_t nb)
Set blob data element number.
static TANGO_NORETURN void throw_exception(const char *reason, char *desc, char *origin, Tango::ErrSeverity sever=Tango::ERR)
Generate and throw a TANGO DevFailed exception.
Definition: except.h:228
Possible asynchronous request type.
Definition: devapi.h:399
void get_write_value(const Tango::DevULong *&ptr)
Retrieve the new value for writable attribute when attribute data type is Tango::DevULong and the att...
Definition: w_attribute.h:387
void set_val(const T &value)
Set the attribute property value.
Definition: attrprop.h:183
void set_exceptions(except_flags fl)
Set one exception flag.
Definition: dbapi.h:594
string label
Definition: devapi.h:178
User class to create a forwarded attribute object.
Definition: fwdattrdesc.h:117
Data ready event callback execution data.
Definition: event.h:268
Device import information from the database.
Definition: dbapi.h:815
Tango::AttrQuality quality
The attribute quality factor.
Definition: attribute.h:1975
string & get_label()
Return the pipe label.
Definition: pipe.h:180
virtual ~Command()
The object desctructor.
Definition: command.h:225
Callback mode request.
Definition: devapi.h:402
BlackBox * blackbox_ptr
The device black box pointer.
Definition: device.h:3248
Base class for Group reply.
Definition: group.h:140
Tango::PipeWriteType writable
Writable type (Read, Read-Write)
Definition: devapi.h:376
vector< string > get_data_elt_names()
Get blob data elements name.
vector< PollObj * >::iterator get_polled_obj_by_type_name(Tango::PollObjType obj_type, const string &obj_name)
Retrieve a polled object from the polled object list.
void operator<<(DevVarCharArray &lval, const vector< unsigned char > &rval)
Init a DevVarCharArray from a C++ vector of char(s).
Definition: seqvec.h:77
virtual ~Device_3Impl()
The device desctructor.
Definition: device_3.h:170
string max_warning
Max warning level.
Definition: devapi.h:228
Attribute periodic event configuration.
Definition: devapi.h:261
vector< DeviceImpl * > get_device_list(const string &name)
Get DeviceList from name.
long read_attributes_asynch(const std::vector< std::string > &al, bool fwd=true)
Reads several attributes on each device in the group asynchronously.
The MultiAttribute desctructor.
void get_write_value(const Tango::DevUShort *&ptr)
Retrieve the new value for writable attribute when attribute data type is Tango::DevUShort and the at...
Definition: w_attribute.h:349
Device information from the database.
Definition: dbapi.h:836
void get_write_value(const Tango::DevEncoded *&ptr)
Retrieve the new value for writable attribute when attribute data type is Tango::DevEncoded and the a...
Definition: w_attribute.h:444
DbDevice * get_db_device()
Get a pointer to the associated DbDevice object.
Definition: utils.h:1204
Tango::AttributeInfo AttributeInfo
Attribute configuration data extension.
Tango::CmdArgType in_type
The command input parameter type.
Definition: command.h:1225
AttrProp< T > min_alarm
Attribute min_alarm.
Definition: attrprop.h:599
static TANGO_NORETURN void re_throw_exception(Tango::DevFailed &ex, const char *reason, const string &desc, const char *origin, Tango::ErrSeverity sever=Tango::ERR)
Re-throw a TANGO DevFailed exception with one more error.
Definition: except.h:1360
virtual void attr_written(AttrWrittenEvent *awe)
Asynchronous write attribute execution callback method.
Definition: devasyn.h:271
static TANGO_NORETURN void throw_exception(char *reason, char *desc, char *origin, Tango::ErrSeverity sever=Tango::ERR)
Generate and throw a TANGO DevFailed exception.
Definition: except.h:375
long delta_t
Delta time after which the read value must be checked again the last written value if the attribute h...
Definition: attribute.h:2128
virtual Tango::DevAttrHistoryList * read_attribute_history_2(const char *name, CORBA::Long n)
Read attribute value history.
T get_val()
Get the attribute property value.
Definition: attrprop.h:161
AttrProp & operator=(const string &value_str)
Assign the string representation of the attribute property value.
Definition: attrprop.h:143
long pid
The device server process PID (-1 if not set in DB)
Definition: dbapi.h:844
Group reply for a write_attribute execution.
Definition: group.h:403
Tango::Attr_CheckVal min_warning
The attribute minimum warning in binary format.
Definition: attribute.h:2088
bool is_command_polled(const string &cmd_name)
Check if command is polled.
void init_types()
Initialise command input and output types.
Definition: command.h:2167
DeviceImpl * get_device_by_name(const string &dev_name)
Get a device reference from its name.
Device export information to the database.
Definition: dbapi.h:860
DoubleAttrProp< DevDouble > rel_change
Attribute rel_change.
Definition: attrprop.h:631
virtual void set_attribute_config_4(const Tango::AttributeConfigList_3 &new_conf, const Tango::ClntIdent &cl_ident)
Set attribute(s) configuration.
Tango::Attr_CheckVal max_warning
The attribute maximum warning in binary format.
Definition: attribute.h:2092
A database value.
Definition: dbapi.h:443
string & get_in_type_desc()
Return the input parameter description.
Definition: command.h:321
ImageAttr(const char *name)
Constructs a newly allocated ImageAttr object.
Definition: attrdesc.h:809
TemplCommandInOut(const char *cmd_name, OUTARG(DeviceImpl::*exe_method)(INARG))
Constructs a newly allocated TemplCommandInOut object for a command with a name and an execution meth...
Definition: command.h:2030
Tango::CmdArgType out_type
The command output parameter type.
Definition: command.h:1229
bool check_min_value
Flag set to true if a minimum value is defined.
Definition: attribute.h:2112
bool check_max_value
Flag set to true if a maximum alarm is defined.
Definition: attribute.h:2116
Tango::PipeWriteType writable
The pipe R/W type.
Definition: pipe.h:443
bool is_data_ready_event()
Check if the data ready event is fired for this attribute.
Definition: attribute.h:1721
virtual void set_attribute_config_3(const Tango::AttributeConfigList_3 &new_conf)
Set attribute(s) configuration.
string & get_doc_url()
Get the TANGO device class documentation URL.
Definition: deviceclass.h:216
vector< DeviceImpl * > device_list
The device(s) list.
Definition: deviceclass.h:424
void push_change_event(string attr_name, DevFailed *except=NULL)
Push a change event for a state or status attribute or return an exception as change event for any at...
static Util * init(int argc, char *argv[])
Create and get the singleton object reference.
DevErrorList errors
The error stack.
Definition: event.h:461
const std::string & obj_name() const
Get object name.
Definition: group.h:209
TangoSys_Pid get_pid()
Get the device server process identifier.
Definition: utils.h:328
string min_value
Min value.
Definition: devapi.h:183
virtual bool is_allowed(DeviceImpl *dev, const CORBA::Any &in_any)
Check if the command is allowed in the actual device state.
Definition: command.h:263
string lower_name
The command name in lower case.
Definition: command.h:1221
User class to create a two dimensions attribute object.
Definition: attrdesc.h:741
string device_name
The device name.
Definition: device.h:3256
This class is a class representing a pipe in the TANGO device server pattern.
Definition: pipe.h:77
static TANGO_NORETURN void re_throw_exception(Tango::DevFailed &ex, const char *reason, const char *desc, char *origin, Tango::ErrSeverity sever=Tango::ERR)
Re-throw a TANGO DevFailed exception with one more error.
Definition: except.h:911
virtual Tango::AttributeConfigList_2 * get_attribute_config_2(const Tango::DevVarStringArray &names)
Get attribute(s) configuration.
bool is_change_event()
Check if the change event is fired manually for this attribute.
Definition: attrdesc.h:488
void set_polling_period(long update)
Set the attribute polling update period.
Definition: attrdesc.h:452
bitset< numFlags > & is_alarmed()
Check if the attribute has an alarm defined.
Definition: attribute.h:276
Class used to move/copy a complete device server process database configuration from one Tango host t...
Definition: dbapi.h:1025
ArchiveEventInfo arch_event
Attribute archive event info.
Definition: devapi.h:302
virtual Tango::DevAttrHistory_4 * read_attribute_history_4(const char *name, CORBA::Long n)
Read attribute value history.
Command information data extension.
Definition: devapi.h:128
vector< string > enum_labels
Enumerated attribute labels.
Definition: devapi.h:337
AttributeAlarmInfo alarms
The attribute alarms.
Definition: devapi.h:338
High level class which provides the client with an easy-to-use interface to TANGO devices.
Definition: devapi.h:56
string ior
The device IOR.
Definition: dbapi.h:864
A high level object which contains the link to the database.
Definition: dbapi.h:53
void set_data_elt_names(vector< string > &names)
Set blob data element number and names.
Definition: pipe.h:258
bool is_device_restarting(string &d_name)
Check if the device is actually restarted by the device server process admin device with its DevResta...
Definition: utils.h:1075
int get_attribute_poll_period(const string &att_name)
Get attribute polling period.
void get_write_value(Tango::DevShort &val)
Retrieve the new value for writable attribute when attribute data type is Tango::DevShort.
Definition: w_attribute.h:205
void get_properties(Tango::MultiAttrProp< T > &props)
Get all modifiable attribute properties in one call.
string started_date
Date of the last device export (empty if not set in DB)
Definition: dbapi.h:842
void trigger_attr_polling(DeviceImpl *dev, const string &name)
Trigger polling for polled attribute.
bool is_min_value()
Check if the attribute has a minimum value.
Definition: w_attribute.h:108
virtual ~Device_4Impl()
The device desctructor.
Definition: device_4.h:160
virtual Tango::AttributeValueList * read_attributes_2(const Tango::DevVarStringArray &names, Tango::DevSource source)
Read attribute(s) value.
AttrProp< DevLong > archive_period
Attribute archive_period.
Definition: attrprop.h:627
bool is_svr_shutting_down()
Check if the device server process is in its shutting down sequence.
Definition: utils.h:523
virtual CORBA::Any * command_inout_2(const char *in_cmd, const CORBA::Any &in_data, Tango::DevSource source)
Execute a command.
Easy to use interface to Tango device attribute.
Definition: devapi.h:58
bool call_failed()
Check if the call failed.
Definition: apiexcept.h:97
static TANGO_IMP long _sleep_between_connect
The loop sleeping time in case of the _daemon flag set to true.
Definition: utils.h:709
void push(TimedAttrData< T > const &elt)
Store a new element in the stack.
string rel_change
Relative change threshold.
Definition: devapi.h:249
void set_attr_serial_model(AttrSerialModel ser_model)
Set attribute serialization model.
void set_default_properties(UserDefaultAttrProp &prop)
Set default attribute properties.
string name
The device name.
Definition: dbapi.h:798
void set_change_event(bool implemented, bool detect)
Set a flag to indicate that the server fires change events manually without the polling to be started...
Definition: attrdesc.h:478
long blackbox_depth
The device black box depth.
Definition: device.h:3252
void set_status(const string &new_status)
Set device status.
Definition: device.h:198
void set_archive_event_abs_change(const char *def_archive_abs_change)
Set default archive event abs_change property.
Definition: attrdesc.h:254
bool is_attribute_polled(const string &att_name)
Check if attribute is polled.
string doc_url
The TANGO device class documentation URL.
Definition: deviceclass.h:412
struct Tango::AttributeEventInfo AttributeEventInfo
Attribute event configuration.
static TANGO_NORETURN void throw_exception(char *reason, const char *desc, const char *origin, Tango::ErrSeverity sever=Tango::ERR)
Generate and throw a TANGO DevFailed exception.
Definition: except.h:265
virtual bool ping(bool fwd=true)
Ping all devices in a group.
static TANGO_NORETURN void re_throw_exception(Tango::DevFailed &ex, const char *reason, const char *desc, const string &origin, Tango::ErrSeverity sever=Tango::ERR)
Re-throw a TANGO DevFailed exception with one more error.
Definition: except.h:1396
MultiAttribute * dev_attr
Pointer to the multi attribute object.
Definition: device.h:3280
Tango::CmdArgType get_out_type()
Return the output parameter type.
Definition: command.h:314
Change event.
Definition: tango_const.h:1083
static TANGO_NORETURN void throw_exception(const char *reason, const char *desc, char *origin, Tango::ErrSeverity sever=Tango::ERR)
Generate and throw a TANGO DevFailed exception.
Definition: except.h:157
string attr_name
The attribute name.
Definition: event.h:191
vector< DeviceImpl * > & get_device_list()
Get the device object vector.
Definition: deviceclass.h:228
string min_warning_str
The attribute minimun warning.
Definition: attribute.h:2060
virtual void init_types()
Init command parameters type.
Definition: command.h:273
A device pipe blob.
Definition: devapi.h:112
virtual void read_attr_hardware(vector< long > &attr_list)
Read the hardware to return attribute value(s).
Definition: device.h:473
The object destructor.
Definition: attrdesc.h:818
DeviceProxy * device
Definition: event.h:284
string pipe_name
The pipe name.
Definition: event.h:457
void get_max_alarm(T &max_al)
Get attribute maximum alarm or throw an exception if the attribute does not have the maximum alarm se...
Tango::DispLevel get_disp_level()
Return the command display level.
Definition: command.h:335
bool is_min_warning()
Check if the attribute is in minimum warning condition .
Definition: attribute.h:253
Tango::CommandInfo CommandInfo
Command information data extension.
void set_max_value(const T &max_value)
Set attribute maximum value.
void get_write_value(Tango::DevBoolean &val)
Retrieve the new value for writable attribute when attribute data type is Tango::DevBoolean.
Definition: w_attribute.h:320
virtual Tango::AttributeValueList_5 * read_attributes_5(const Tango::DevVarStringArray &names, Tango::DevSource source, const Tango::ClntIdent &cl_ident)
Read attribute(s) value.
void get_write_value(const Tango::DevFloat *&ptr)
Retrieve the new value for writable attribute when attribute data type is Tango::DevFloat and the att...
Definition: w_attribute.h:273
string device_name
The device name.
Definition: event.h:372
long out_type
Output parameter data type.
Definition: devapi.h:106
Base class for all TANGO device since version 4.
Definition: device_4.h:78
bool is_check_change_criteria()
Check if the change event criteria should be checked when firing the event manually.
Definition: attribute.h:1649
Tango::AttrDataFormat data_format
The attribute data format.
Definition: attribute.h:1998
string format
Attribute format.
Definition: attrprop.h:587
static TANGO_NORETURN void throw_exception(const string &reason, const string &desc, const char *origin, Tango::ErrSeverity sever=Tango::ERR)
Generate and throw a TANGO DevFailed exception.
Definition: except.h:446
void get_write_value(const Tango::DevShort *&ptr)
Retrieve the new value for writable attribute when attribute data type is Tango::DevShort and the att...
Definition: w_attribute.h:215
string delta_t_str
The attribute delta time RDS alarm.
Definition: attribute.h:2072
string & get_version_str()
Get the IDL TANGO version.
Definition: utils.h:343
static TANGO_NORETURN void re_throw_exception(Tango::DevFailed &ex, char *reason, const char *desc, const char *origin, Tango::ErrSeverity sever=Tango::ERR)
Re-throw a TANGO DevFailed exception with one more error.
Definition: except.h:1025
long read_attribute_asynch(const std::string &a, bool fwd=true)
Reads an attribute on each device in the group asynchronously.
An exception class.
Definition: apiexcept.h:79
void set_root_blob_name(const string &name)
Set the root data blob name.
Definition: pipe.h:166
void push(Tango::TimedCmdData< T > const &elt)
Store a new element in the stack.
string name
The name of the attribute which fails.
Definition: apiexcept.h:57
AttrProp< DevLong > event_period
Attribute event_period.
Definition: attrprop.h:623
void get_write_value(Tango::DevUChar &val)
Retrieve the new value for writable attribute when attribute data type is Tango::DevUChar.
Definition: w_attribute.h:358
int ctr
The user counter. Set to 0 if not defined when sent by the server.
Definition: event.h:288
long max_y
The attribute maximum y dimension.
Definition: attribute.h:2010
Tango::Attr_Value value
The attribute value.
Definition: attribute.h:2104
static TANGO_NORETURN void throw_exception(char *reason, char *desc, const string &origin, Tango::ErrSeverity sever=Tango::ERR)
Generate and throw a TANGO DevFailed exception.
Definition: except.h:834
virtual Tango::AttributeValueList_3 * read_attributes_3(const Tango::DevVarStringArray &names, Tango::DevSource source)
Read attribute(s) value.
SpectrumAttr(const char *name)
Constructs a newly allocated SpectrumAttr object.
Definition: attrdesc.h:695
virtual Tango::DevCmdInfoList_2 * command_list_query_2()
Get device command list.
Tango::TimeVal when
The date when attribute was read.
Definition: attribute.h:1967
string name
The command name.
Definition: command.h:1217
string name
The device name.
Definition: dbapi.h:863
AttrProp(const T &value)
Create a new AttrProp object.
Definition: attrprop.h:80
string delta_t
Delta t RDS.
Definition: devapi.h:229
string min_value_str
The attribute minimum value.
Definition: attribute.h:2052
Tango::Attr_CheckVal delta_val
Authorized delta between the last written value and the actual read.
Definition: attribute.h:2122
static TANGO_NORETURN void throw_exception(const string &reason, const string &desc, const string &origin, Tango::ErrSeverity sever=Tango::ERR)
Generate and throw a TANGO DevFailed exception.
Definition: except.h:412
Tango::Attr_CheckVal max_alarm
The attribute maximum alarm in binary format.
Definition: attribute.h:2084
Possible callback mode.
Definition: devapi.h:412
string display_unit
Display unit.
Definition: devapi.h:181
User class to set pipe default properties.
Definition: pipedesc.h:58
struct Tango::ChangeEventInfo ChangeEventInfo
Attribute change event configuration.
GroupAttrReplyList read_attributes(const std::vector< std::string > &al, bool fwd=true)
Reads several attributes on each device in the group.
void set_change_event(bool implemented, bool detect=true)
Set a flag to indicate that the server fires change events manually, without the polling to be starte...
Definition: attribute.h:1631
void trigger_cmd_polling(DeviceImpl *dev, const string &name)
Trigger polling for polled command.
FwdAttr(const string &name, const string &root_attribute=RootAttNotDef)
Constructs a newly allocated FwdAttr object.
string label
Pipe label.
Definition: devapi.h:374
DevErrorList err_stack
The error stack.
Definition: apiexcept.h:59
bool operator>>(T &dest)
Get attribute data and extract them.
Definition: group.h:1778
virtual Tango::DevPipeData * read_pipe_5(const char *name, const Tango::ClntIdent &cl_ident)
Read pipe value.
int max_dim_y
Max dim Y.
Definition: devapi.h:176
string & get_server_version()
Get the device server version.
Definition: utils.h:350
void remove_configuration()
Remove the attribute configuration from the database.
vector< string > & attr_names
The attribute name list.
Definition: devasyn.h:144
DeviceAttribute * attr_value
The attribute data.
Definition: event.h:93
DbClass * db_class
The associated DbClass object.
Definition: deviceclass.h:428
string stopped_date
Date of the last device un-export (empty if not set in DB)
Definition: dbapi.h:843
static TANGO_NORETURN void re_throw_exception(Tango::DevFailed &ex, const string &reason, const string &desc, const string &origin, Tango::ErrSeverity sever=Tango::ERR)
Re-throw a TANGO DevFailed exception with one more error.
Definition: except.h:1180
string label
The attribute label.
Definition: attribute.h:2014
void get_write_value(Tango::DevLong &val)
Retrieve the new value for writable attribute when attribute data type is Tango::DevLong.
Definition: w_attribute.h:224
string server
The full device server process name.
Definition: dbapi.h:800
void set_label(const string &def_label)
Set default label property.
Definition: pipedesc.h:78
MultiClassPipe * class_pipe
Pointer to the class multi pipe object.
Definition: deviceclass.h:436
string & get_ds_exec_name()
Get the device server executable name.
Definition: utils.h:298
ImageAttr(const char *name, long data_type, long max_x, long max_y)
Constructs a newly allocated ImageAttr object.
Tango::Attr_CheckVal min_value
The attribute minimum value in binary format.
Definition: attribute.h:2096
long get_max_dim_y()
Get attribute maximum data size in y dimension.
Definition: attribute.h:426
string min_warning
Min warning level.
Definition: devapi.h:227
void set_date(time_t new_date)
Set attribute date.
Definition: attribute.h:374
string & get_host_name()
Get the host name where the device server process is running.
Definition: utils.h:314
void set_out_type_desc(const char *desc)
Set the output parameter description field.
Definition: command.h:356
void set_str(const char *value_str)
Set string representation of the attribute property value.
Definition: attrprop.h:197
static TANGO_NORETURN void throw_exception(const string &reason, char *desc, const string &origin, Tango::ErrSeverity sever=Tango::ERR)
Generate and throw a TANGO DevFailed exception.
Definition: except.h:687
User class to create a one dimension attribute object.
Definition: attrdesc.h:634
Tango::DispLevel disp_level
The pipe display level.
Definition: pipe.h:439
Constructs a newly allocated WPipe object.
Definition: w_pipe.h:64
string display_unit
The attribute display unit.
Definition: attribute.h:2030
DeviceImpl(DeviceClass *device_class, string &dev_name)
Constructs a newly allocated DeviceImpl object from its name.
void set_max_alarm(const char *def_max_alarm)
Set default max_alarm property.
Definition: attrdesc.h:174
string period
Event period.
Definition: devapi.h:266
void set_event_rel_change(const char *def_rel_change)
Set default change event rel_change property.
Definition: attrdesc.h:234
void reset_exceptions(DevicePipeBlob::except_flags fl)
Reset one exception flag.
Definition: pipe.h:323
virtual Tango::DevInfo_3 * info_3()
Get device info.
Possible error management with write_read_attribute call.
Definition: tango_const.h:1131
void length(long nb)
Reserve memory for stack elements.
Definition: pollext.h:934
static TANGO_NORETURN void throw_exception(const string &reason, const char *desc, const char *origin, Tango::ErrSeverity sever=Tango::ERR)
Generate and throw a TANGO DevFailed exception.
Definition: except.h:514
void reset_exceptions(except_flags fl)
Reset one exception flag.
Definition: dbapi.h:586
MultiAttribute * get_device_attr()
Get device multi attribute object.
Definition: device.h:260
void set_in_type_desc(const char *desc)
Set the input parameter description field.
Definition: command.h:342
void fire_change_event(DevFailed *except=NULL)
Fire a change event for the attribute value.
void poll_attribute(const string &att_name, int period)
Start polling one attribute.
void set_class_list(vector< DeviceClass * > *list)
Set the DeviceClass list pointer.
Definition: utils.h:364
void set_display_unit(const char *def_disp_unit)
Set default display unit property.
Definition: attrdesc.h:124
ostream & operator<<(ostream &lval, const DevVarEncodedArray &rval)
Print a DevVarEncodedArray.
bool is_val()
Check if the attribute property value has been assigned.
Definition: attrprop.h:218
SerialModel get_serial_model()
Get the serialization model.
Definition: utils.h:394
void push_archive_event(string attr_name, DevFailed *except=NULL)
Push an archive event for state or status attribute or push an exception as archive event for any att...
bool is_check_archive_criteria()
Check if the archive event criteria should be checked when firing the event manually.
Definition: attrdesc.h:523
DoubleAttrProp & operator=(const vector< T > &values)
Assign the values of the compound attribute property.
Definition: attrprop.h:339
virtual void read_attr(Attribute &attr)
Set the attribute read value.
Definition: device.h:486
virtual CORBA::Any * command_inout_4(const char *in_cmd, const CORBA::Any &in_data, Tango::DevSource source, const Tango::ClntIdent &cl_ident)
Execute a command.
bool check_alarm()
Check alarm on all attribute(s) with an alarm defined.
string attr_name
The attribute name.
Definition: event.h:285
DoubleAttrProp(const string &value_str)
Create a new DoubleAttrProp object.
Definition: attrprop.h:323
CORBA::Any * insert()
Create an empty CORBA Any object.
Tango::AttrWriteType get_writable()
Get the attribute writable type (RO/WO/RW).
Definition: attribute.h:304
vector< string > enum_labels
Enumeration labels (For DevEnum data type)
Definition: attrprop.h:647
void set_out_type_desc(string &desc)
Set the output parameter description field.
Definition: command.h:363
void set_min_value(const T &min_value)
Set attribute minimum value.
bool is_polled()
Check if the attribute is polled .
PortableServer::POA_ptr get_poa()
Get a reference to the CORBA Portable Object Adapter (POA)
Definition: utils.h:233
string event
The event name.
Definition: event.h:192
void get_write_value(Tango::DevString &val)
Retrieve the new value for writable attribute when attribute data type is Tango::DevString.
Definition: w_attribute.h:301
string label
Attribute label.
Definition: attrprop.h:567
Asynchronous write attribute execution callback data.
Definition: devasyn.h:182
AttrWriteType writable
Writable type (Read, Write,...)
Definition: devapi.h:172
Asynchronous read attribute execution callback data.
Definition: devasyn.h:129
virtual bool contains(const std::string &pattern, bool fwd=true)
Check if the hierarchy contains groups and/or devices which name matches the specified pattern.
Memorized attribute with memorized value writen at initialization.
Definition: devapi.h:319
User class to set attribute default properties.
Definition: attrdesc.h:64
Callback push model.
Definition: devapi.h:414
virtual void push_event(EventData *ed)
Event callback method.
Definition: devasyn.h:280
void set_memorized_init(bool write_on_init)
Set the initialisation flag for memorized attributes true = the setpoint value will be written to the...
Definition: attrdesc.h:467
TemplCommandOut(const char *cmd_name, OUTARG(DeviceImpl::*exe_method)())
Constructs a newly allocated TemplCommandOut object for a command with a name and an execution method...
Definition: command.h:3123
Group reply for a command execution.
Definition: group.h:469
AttrProp & operator=(const T &value)
Assign the value of the attribute property.
Definition: attrprop.h:113
Tango::DevVarFloatArray * create_DevVarFloatArray(float *ptr, long length)
Create a DevVarFloatArray type.
Definition: device.h:779
virtual Tango::AttributeValueList_4 * write_read_attributes_4(const Tango::AttributeValueList_4 &values, const Tango::ClntIdent &cl_ident)
Write then read attribute(s) value.
Fundamental type for sending and receiving data from device commands.
Definition: devapi.h:64
bool is_max_warning()
Check if the attribute is in maximum warning condition .
Definition: attribute.h:260
void set_min_warning(const T &new_min_warning)
Set attribute minimum warning.
Group reply for a read_attribute execution.
Definition: group.h:534
virtual ~Pipe()
The object desctructor.
Definition: pipe.h:112
const DevErrorList & get_err_stack() const
Get error stack.
Definition: group.h:220
vector< Command * > command_list
The command(s) list.
Definition: deviceclass.h:420
virtual void write_pipe_5(const Tango::DevPipeData &pipe_value, const Tango::ClntIdent &cl_ident)
Write pipe value.
This class is used to store one element of an attribute history stack.
Definition: pollext.h:152
Constructs a newly allocated Pipe object.
Definition: pipe.h:89
void set_d_var(Tango::Device_ptr d)
Set the associated CORBA object reference.
Definition: device.h:291
vector< T > get_val()
Get the vector containing the compound attribute property values.
Definition: attrprop.h:415
static TANGO_NORETURN void throw_exception(const string &reason, const char *desc, const string &origin, Tango::ErrSeverity sever=Tango::ERR)
Generate and throw a TANGO DevFailed exception.
Definition: except.h:480
The class destructor.
virtual void push_event(DevIntrChangeEventData *dic)
Device interface change event callback method.
Definition: devasyn.h:308
long idx_in_call
Index in the write_attributes method parameter vector of the attribute which failed.
Definition: apiexcept.h:58
Constructs a newly allocated UserDefaultAttrProp object.
Definition: fwdattrdesc.h:68
Tango::DevState & get_state()
Get device state.
Definition: device.h:216
virtual void remove_all()
Removes all elements in the group.
long data_type
The attribute data type.
Definition: attribute.h:1992
virtual void attr_read(AttrReadEvent *are)
Asynchronous read attribute execution callback method.
Definition: devasyn.h:261
void set_trace_level(int level)
Set the process trace level.
Definition: utils.h:240
string in_type_desc
The command input parameter description.
Definition: command.h:1233
void get_write_value(Tango::DevULong64 &val)
Retrieve the new value for writable attribute when attribute data type is Tango::DevULong64.
Definition: w_attribute.h:396
string standard_unit
Attribute standard_unit.
Definition: attrprop.h:579
string & get_label()
Get attribute label property.
Definition: attribute.h:380
long get_data_size()
Get attribute data size.
Definition: attribute.h:400
void get_max_warning(T &max_war)
Get attribute maximum warning or throw an exception if the attribute does not have the maximum warnin...
string root_attr_name
Root attribute name (in case of forwarded attribute)
Definition: devapi.h:335
DbClass * get_db_class()
Get a pointer to the associated DbClass object.
Definition: deviceclass.h:264
vector< string > extensions
Future extensions.
Definition: devapi.h:267
Tango::DeviceProxy * device
Definition: devasyn.h:194
long exported
The exported flag.
Definition: dbapi.h:819
vector< string > & attr_names
The attribute name list.
Definition: devasyn.h:195
void get_write_value(const Tango::DevBoolean *&ptr)
Retrieve the new value for writable attribute when attribute data type is Tango::DevBoolean and the a...
Definition: w_attribute.h:330
std::vector< std::string > get_device_list(bool fwd=true)
Returns the list of devices currently in the hierarchy.
Base class for all TANGO device.
Definition: device.h:90
void get_min_alarm(T &min_al)
Get attribute minimum alarm or throw an exception if the attribute does not have the minimum alarm.
DevErrorList errors
The error stack.
Definition: event.h:95
void set_device_attr(MultiAttribute *ptr)
Set device multi attribute object.
Definition: device.h:270
string format
The attribute format.
Definition: attribute.h:2036
void fill_attr_polling_buffer(DeviceImpl *dev, string &att_name, AttrHistoryStack< T > &data)
Fill polling buffer for polled attribute.
MultiAttribute(string &dev_name, DeviceClass *dev_class, DeviceImpl *dev)
Create a new MultiAttribute object.
int get_command_poll_period(const string &cmd_name)
Get command polling period.
void get_write_value(Tango::DevUShort &val)
Retrieve the new value for writable attribute when attribute data type is Tango::DevUShort.
Definition: w_attribute.h:339
string name
The attribute name.
Definition: attribute.h:1980
bool has_failed() const
Check if an error has occured.
Definition: group.h:187
void set_obj_id(PortableServer::ObjectId_var o)
Set the associated CORBA object identifier.
Definition: device.h:312
virtual void add(Group *group, int tmo_ms=-1)
Attaches a (sub) group.
string & get_name()
Get the TANGO device class name.
Definition: deviceclass.h:210
void push_pipe_event(const string &pipe_name, DevFailed *except)
Push a pipe event with exception data as value The method needs the pipe name as input.
Fundamental type for sending/receiving data from device pipes.
Definition: devapi.h:811
void init_types()
Initialise command input and output types.
Definition: command.h:2723
Constructs a newly allocated Command object.
Definition: command.h:1303
DevicePipe * pipe_value
The pipe data.
Definition: event.h:459
SpectrumAttr(const char *name, long data_type, long max_x)
Constructs a newly allocated SpectrumAttr object.
Single element group reply for a read attribute execution.
Definition: group.h:338
void add_attribute(Attr *new_attr)
Add a new attribute to the device attribute list.
void set_value(Tango::DevShort *p_data, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
Set internal attribute value (for Tango::DevShort attribute data type).
virtual CORBA::Any * execute(DeviceImpl *dev, const CORBA::Any &in_any)=0
Execute the command.
void add_class_to_list(DeviceClass *cl)
Add a DeviceClass to the DeviceClass list pointer.
Definition: utils.h:371
Class used to retrieve database object history.
Definition: dbapi.h:724
void set_assoc_ind(long val)
Set index of the associated writable attribute.
Definition: attribute.h:342
void exceptions(bitset< DbDatum::numFlags > fl)
Set exception flag.
Definition: dbapi.h:558
Attribute change event configuration.
Definition: devapi.h:244
void set_polling_before_9(bool val)
Set the polling thread algorithm to the algorithum used before Tango 9.
Definition: utils.h:507
vector< DeviceImpl * > & get_device_list_by_class(const string &class_name)
Get the list of device references for a given TANGO class.
void set_type(const char *dev_type)
Set the TANGO device type name.
Definition: deviceclass.h:288
bool operator>>(T &dest)
Get command data and extract them.
Definition: group.h:1716
This class is a used to pass a command result history when the user directly fills the command pollin...
Definition: pollext.h:909
const DevErrorList & get_err_stack()
Get record error stack.
Definition: devapi.h:555
vector< Command * > & get_command_list()
Get the command object vector.
Definition: deviceclass.h:234
string & get_status()
Get device status.
Definition: device.h:191
The attribute is not memorized.
Definition: devapi.h:317
string delta_val
Delta val RDS.
Definition: devapi.h:230
string standard_unit
Standard unit.
Definition: devapi.h:180
DeviceProxy * device
Definition: event.h:370
virtual void write_attributes_4(const Tango::AttributeValueList_4 &values, const Tango::ClntIdent &cl_ident)
Write attribute(s) value.
void length(long nb)
Reserve memory for stack elements.
Definition: pollext.h:747
static TANGO_NORETURN void throw_exception(char *reason, const string &desc, const string &origin, Tango::ErrSeverity sever=Tango::ERR)
Generate and throw a TANGO DevFailed exception.
Definition: except.h:761
void server_set_event_loop(bool(*f_ptr)())
Set the server event loop.
Definition: utils.h:681
static TANGO_NORETURN void re_throw_exception(Tango::DevFailed &ex, const char *reason, const string &desc, const string &origin, Tango::ErrSeverity sever=Tango::ERR)
Re-throw a TANGO DevFailed exception with one more error.
Definition: except.h:1324
Device too old to get this info.
Definition: devapi.h:316
Fundamental type for sending an dreceiving data to and from device attributes.
Definition: devapi.h:73
string event
The event name.
Definition: event.h:286
virtual Tango::DevCmdHistoryList * command_inout_history_2(const char *command, CORBA::Long n)
Read command value history.
bool is_change_event()
Check if the change event is fired manually (without polling) for this attribute.
Definition: attribute.h:1642
AttrProp< T > max_alarm
Attribute max_alarm.
Definition: attrprop.h:603
void get_write_value(Tango::DevState &val)
Retrieve the new value for writable attribute when attribute data type is Tango::DevState.
Definition: w_attribute.h:415
string version
The device version (as a string)
Definition: dbapi.h:821
virtual void remove(const std::string &pattern, bool fwd=true)
Removes any group or device which name matches the specified pattern.
bool err
A boolean flag set to true if the request failed. False otherwise.
Definition: devasyn.h:196
virtual void signal_handler(long signo)
Signal handler.
DoubleAttrProp< DevDouble > abs_change
Attribute abs_change.
Definition: attrprop.h:635
size_t get_data_elt_nb()
Get root blob data element number.
Definition: w_pipe.h:127
All request.
Definition: devapi.h:403
Tango::DevVarULongArray * create_DevVarULongArray(DevULong *ptr, long length)
Create a DevVarULongArray type.
Definition: device.h:828
Tango::DevVarULong64Array * create_DevVarULong64Array(DevULong64 *ptr, long length)
Create a DevVarULong64Array type.
Definition: device.h:846
NotifdEventSupplier * get_notifd_event_supplier()
Get a reference to the notifd TANGO EventSupplier object.
Definition: utils.h:401
void set_archive_event(bool implemented, bool detect=true)
Set a flag to indicate that the server fires archive events manually, without the polling to be start...
Definition: attribute.h:1689
bool is_rds_alarm()
Check if the attribute is in RDS alarm condition .
Definition: attribute.h:267
string cmd_name
The command name.
Definition: devapi.h:103
AttributeInfoEx * attr_conf
The attribute configuration.
Definition: event.h:193
const string & get_name()
Get blob name.
Definition: devapi.h:164
void exceptions(bitset< numFlags > fl)
Set exception flag.
Definition: devapi.h:510
void remove_attribute(Attr *rem_attr, bool free_it=false, bool clean_db=true)
Remove one attribute from the device attribute list.
struct Tango::AttributeAlarmInfo AttributeAlarmInfo
Attribute alarms configuration.
Util(int argc, char *argv[])
Constructs a newly allocated Util object.
void set_format(const char *def_format)
Set default format property.
Definition: attrdesc.h:134
void get_write_value(const Tango::DevULong64 *&ptr)
Retrieve the new value for writable attribute when attribute data type is Tango::DevLong64 and the at...
Definition: w_attribute.h:406
void fill_cmd_polling_buffer(DeviceImpl *dev, string &cmd_name, CmdHistoryStack< T > &data)
Fill polling buffer for polled command.
bool date
Flag set to true if the date must be set.
Definition: attribute.h:1971
Memorized attribute.
Definition: devapi.h:318
virtual Tango::DevState dev_state()
Get device state.
string writable_attr_name
The name of the associated writable attribute.
Definition: attribute.h:2040
Tango::DevState & get_prev_state()
Get device's previous state.
Definition: device.h:225
void append_status(const string &stat, bool new_line=false)
Appends a string to the device status.
Definition: device.h:206
void set_data_elt_nb(size_t nb)
Set blob data element number.
Definition: pipe.h:249
vector< CommandInfo > CommandInfoList
A vector of CommandInfo structure.
Definition: devapi.h:146
size_t get_faulty_attr_nb()
Get faulty attribute number.
Definition: apiexcept.h:89
AttrMemorizedType memorized
The attribute memorization type.
Definition: devapi.h:336
void get_write_value(const Tango::DevState *&ptr)
Retrieve the new value for writable attribute when attribute data type is Tango::DevLong64 and the at...
Definition: w_attribute.h:425
void push_event(string attr_name, vector< string > &filt_names, vector< double > &filt_vals, DevFailed *except=NULL)
Push a user event for a state or status attribute or return an exception as user event for any attrib...
void register_signal(long signo, bool own_handler=false)
Register a signal to be executed in a signal handler.
string name
Pipe name.
Definition: devapi.h:372
string & get_ds_inst_name()
Get the device server instance name.
Definition: utils.h:291
void set_event_abs_change(const char *def_abs_change)
Set default change event abs_change property.
Definition: attrdesc.h:224
Possible event type.
Definition: tango_const.h:1082
virtual void attribute_factory(vector< Attr * > &)
Create all the attributes name supported by this class of device.
Definition: deviceclass.h:136
virtual void push_event(PipeEventData *ped)
Pipe event callback method.
Definition: devasyn.h:317
vector< string > extensions
Future exetnsions.
Definition: devapi.h:285
void remove_command(Command *rem_cmd, bool free_it=false, bool clean_db=true)
Remove one command from the device command list.
bool is_val()
Check if the compound attribute property values have been assigned.
Definition: attrprop.h:495
AttrProp< T > min_warning
Attribute min_warning.
Definition: attrprop.h:607
GroupAttrReplyList read_attribute_reply(long req_id, long tmo_ms=0)
Returns the results of an asynchronous attribute reading.
virtual Tango::PipeConfigList * get_pipe_config_5(const Tango::DevVarStringArray &names)
Get pipe(s) configuration.
long get_polling_period()
Get the command polling period.
Definition: command.h:384
virtual void write_attributes_3(const Tango::AttributeValueList &values)
Write attribute(s) value.
virtual void set_pipe_config_5(const Tango::PipeConfigList &new_conf, const Tango::ClntIdent &cl_ident)
Set pipe(s) configuration.
bool(DeviceImpl::* allowed_ptr)(const CORBA::Any &)
The command allowed method object reference.
Definition: command.h:1651
string display_unit
Attribute display_unit.
Definition: attrprop.h:583
Tango::DeviceProxy * device
Definition: devasyn.h:90
string _class
The device class name.
Definition: dbapi.h:799
string delta_val_str
The attribute delta value RDS alarm.
Definition: attribute.h:2068
bitset< DevicePipeBlob::numFlags > exceptions()
Get exception flag.
Definition: pipe.h:315
void get_write_value(Tango::DevULong &val)
Retrieve the new value for writable attribute when attribute data type is Tango::DevULong.
Definition: w_attribute.h:377
static TANGO_IMP bool _UseDb
The database use flag (Use with extreme care).
Definition: utils.h:695
void get_max_value(T &max_value)
Get attribute maximum value or throws an exception if the attribute does not have a maximum value.
The WAttribute desctructor.
Periodic event.
Definition: tango_const.h:1085
void poll_command(const string &cmd_name, int period)
Start polling a command.
string abs_change
Absolute change threshold.
Definition: devapi.h:250
This class represents a Tango attribute property.
Definition: attrprop.h:65
virtual void set_timeout_millis(int tmo_ms)
Set client side timeout for all devices in the group.
CommandInfoList cmd_list
Device command list info.
Definition: event.h:373
vector< string > get_data_elt_names()
Get root blob data elements name.
Definition: w_pipe.h:135
bool err
A boolean flag set to true if the request failed. False otherwise.
Definition: event.h:460
WPipe & operator>>(short &datum)
Extract data from a device pipe.
unsigned long get_attr_nb()
Get attribute number.
Definition: multiattribute.h:192
virtual ~Device_2Impl()
The device desctructor.
Definition: device_2.h:159
Attribute alarms configuration.
Definition: devapi.h:220
void set_standard_unit(const char *def_std_unit)
Set default standard unit property.
Definition: attrdesc.h:114
DoubleAttrProp(const vector< T > &values)
Create a new DoubleAttrProp object.
Definition: attrprop.h:288
AttrProp< T > min_value
Attribute min_value.
Definition: attrprop.h:591
virtual ~WPipe()
The object desctructor.
Definition: w_pipe.h:86
The object destructor.
Definition: attrdesc.h:704
vector< Pipe * > pipe_list
The pipe(s) list.
Definition: deviceclass.h:440
DeviceProxy * device
Definition: event.h:190
Tango::DispLevel disp_level
Display level.
Definition: devapi.h:375
void set_delta_t(const char *def_delta_t)
Set default RDS alarm delta_t property.
Definition: attrdesc.h:204
Device interface change event callback execution data.
Definition: event.h:353
const vector< DeviceClass * > * get_class_list()
Get the DeviceClass list pointer.
Definition: utils.h:378
Event and asynchronous (callback model) calls base class.
Definition: devasyn.h:234
This class is a class representing a command in the template command model with input parameter but w...
Definition: command.h:2245
void set_data_elt_names(vector< string > &names)
Set blob data element number and names.
void set_event_period(const char *def_period)
Set default periodic event period property.
Definition: attrdesc.h:244
void clear()
Clear the stack.
Definition: pollext.h:939
bool has_failed()
Check insertion/extraction success.
Definition: pipe.h:340
vector< long > & get_alarm_list()
Get list of attribute with an alarm level defined.
Definition: multiattribute.h:186
Database * get_database()
Get a reference to the TANGO database object.
Definition: utils.h:553
long get_x()
Get attribute data size in x dimension.
Definition: attribute.h:406
DoubleAttrProp(const T &value)
Create a new DoubleAttrProp object.
Definition: attrprop.h:305
string max_warning_str
The attribute maximum warning.
Definition: attribute.h:2064
Single element group reply for a command execution.
Definition: group.h:251
void set_default_command(Command *cmd)
Set a Tango classs default command.
Definition: deviceclass.h:400
static TANGO_NORETURN void throw_exception(const char *reason, const char *desc, const char *origin, Tango::ErrSeverity sever=Tango::ERR)
Generate and throw a TANGO DevFailed exception.
Definition: except.h:122
bool err
A boolean flag set to true if the request failed. False otherwise.
Definition: event.h:378
void get_min_warning(T &min_war)
Get attribute minimum warning or throw an exception if the attribute does not have the minimum warnin...
long in_type
Input parameter data type.
Definition: devapi.h:105
string description
Definition: devapi.h:177
virtual void delete_device()
Delete a device.
Definition: device.h:442
bool err
A boolean flag set to true if the command failed. False otherwise.
Definition: devasyn.h:93
void set_archive_event_period(const char *def_archive_period)
Set default archive event period property.
Definition: attrdesc.h:274
void set_archive_event(bool implemented, bool detect)
Set a flag to indicate that the server fires archive events manually without the polling to be starte...
Definition: attrdesc.h:506
This class is a class representing a writable pipe in the TANGO device server pattern.
Definition: w_pipe.h:52
static TANGO_IMP_EXP Util * instance(bool exit=true)
Get the singleton object reference.
virtual void device_name_factory(vector< string > &list)
Create device(s) name list (for no database device server).
Definition: deviceclass.h:172
unsigned long get_polling_threads_pool_size()
Get the polling threads pool size.
Definition: utils.h:500
void server_init(bool with_window=false)
Initialise all the device server pattern(s) embedded in a device server process.
void set_str(const char *value_str)
Set string representation of the compound attribute property values.
Definition: attrprop.h:473
GroupCmdReplyList command_inout_reply(long req_id, long tmo_ms=0)
Returns the results of an asynchronous command.
DeviceProxy * device
Definition: event.h:456
GroupAttrReplyList read_attributes_reply(long req_id, long tmo_ms=0)
Returns the results of an asynchronous attributes reading.
virtual void push_event(DataReadyEventData *dre)
Data ready event callback method.
Definition: devasyn.h:299
void set_data_ready_event(bool implemented)
Set a flag to indicate that the server fires data ready events.
Definition: attrdesc.h:530
ZmqEventSupplier * get_zmq_event_supplier()
Get a reference to the ZMQ TANGO EventSupplier object.
Definition: utils.h:408
void set_data_ready_event(bool implemented)
Set a flag to indicate that the server fires data ready events.
Definition: attribute.h:1715
static TANGO_NORETURN void throw_exception(const char *reason, const string &desc, const string &origin, Tango::ErrSeverity sever=Tango::ERR)
Generate and throw a TANGO DevFailed exception.
Definition: except.h:548
AttrProp< T > max_value
Attribute max_value.
Definition: attrprop.h:595
DevErrorList errors
The error stack.
Definition: event.h:379
long get_attr_ind_by_name(const char *attr_name)
Get Attribute index into the main attribute vector from its name.
void set_serial_model(SerialModel ser)
Set the serialization model.
Definition: utils.h:386
virtual DeviceProxy * operator[](long idx)
Returns a reference to the "idx-th" device in the hierarchy.
const string & get_root_blob_name()
Return the root data blob name.
Definition: pipe.h:159
virtual Tango::DevAttrHistory_5 * read_attribute_history_5(const char *name, CORBA::Long n)
Read attribute value history.
Base structure for Attribute configuration.
Definition: devapi.h:166
string max_value_str
The attribute maximum value.
Definition: attribute.h:2056
size_t get_data_elt_nb()
Get blob data element number.
const std::string & dev_name() const
Get device name.
Definition: group.h:198
bool check_alarm(const long ind)
Check alarm for one attribute from its index in the main attributes vector.
Definition: multiattribute.h:221
long data_size
The attribute data size.
Definition: attribute.h:2108
Data ready event.
Definition: tango_const.h:1089
static TANGO_NORETURN void throw_named_exception(const char *att_name, const char *reason, const char *desc, const char *origin, Tango::ErrSeverity sever=Tango::ERR)
Throw a TANGO MultiDevFailed exception.
Definition: except.h:1732
string version
The device version.
Definition: dbapi.h:866
string & get_lower_name()
Return the command name in lower case letters.
Definition: command.h:300
Constructs a newly allocated Command object.
Definition: command.h:95
static TANGO_NORETURN void throw_exception(const string &reason, char *desc, char *origin, Tango::ErrSeverity sever=Tango::ERR)
Generate and throw a TANGO DevFailed exception.
Definition: except.h:724
string archive_abs_change
Archive abosolute change threshold.
Definition: devapi.h:283
string ior
The device IOR.
Definition: dbapi.h:820
int attr_data_type
The attribute data type.
Definition: event.h:287
void set_max_alarm(const T &new_max_alarm)
Set attribute maximum alarm.
Default constructor.
Definition: attrprop.h:74
string event
The event name.
Definition: event.h:92
Base class for all TANGO device since version 3.
Definition: device_3.h:85
DeviceClass * get_device_class()
Get device class singleton.
Definition: device.h:250
static TANGO_NORETURN void throw_exception(const char *reason, char *desc, const char *origin, Tango::ErrSeverity sever=Tango::ERR)
Generate and throw a TANGO DevFailed exception.
Definition: except.h:193
string min_alarm
Min alarm.
Definition: devapi.h:185
MultiClassAttribute * get_class_attr()
Get a pointer to the class attributes object.
Definition: deviceclass.h:270
DoubleAttrProp< DevDouble > archive_rel_change
Attribute archive_rel_change.
Definition: attrprop.h:639
DoubleAttrProp(const char *value_str)
Create a new DoubleAttrProp object.
Definition: attrprop.h:317
Miscellaneous utility methods usefull in a Tango client.
Definition: devapi.h:55
long command_inout_asynch(const std::string &c, bool fgt=false, bool fwd=true)
Executes a Tango command on each device in the group asynchronously.
virtual void init_device()=0
Intialise a device.
static TANGO_NORETURN void re_throw_exception(Tango::DevFailed &ex, char *reason, const string &desc, const string &origin, Tango::ErrSeverity sever=Tango::ERR)
Re-throw a TANGO DevFailed exception with one more error.
Definition: except.h:1548
string in_type_desc
Input parameter description.
Definition: devapi.h:107
bool err
A boolean flag set to true if the request failed. False otherwise.
Definition: event.h:290
bitset< DevicePipeBlob::numFlags > state()
Get instance insertion/extraction state.
Definition: pipe.h:367
long get_assoc_ind()
Get index of the associated writable attribute.
Definition: attribute.h:335
Device_2Impl(DeviceClass *device_class, string &dev_name)
Constructs a newly allocated Device_2Impl object from its name.
string & get_name()
Return the pipe name.
Definition: pipe.h:131
void set_default_properties(UserDefaultPipeProp &prop)
Set default attribute properties.
void set_ds_event_buffer_hwm(DevLong val)
Set device server process event buffer high water mark (HWM)
Definition: utils.h:415
bool is_min_alarm()
Check if the attribute is in minimum alarm condition .
Definition: attribute.h:239
void set_name(string &new_name)
Set the pipe name.
Definition: pipe.h:138
static TANGO_NORETURN void re_throw_exception(Tango::DevFailed &ex, const string &reason, const string &desc, const char *origin, Tango::ErrSeverity sever=Tango::ERR)
Re-throw a TANGO DevFailed exception with one more error.
Definition: except.h:1216
void set_data_ready_event(string attr_name, bool implemented)
Set an implemented flag for the attribute to indicate that the server fires data ready event for this...
void reset()
Reset the object.
Definition: group.h:566
string adm_device_name
The administration device name.
Definition: device.h:3288
void push_data_ready_event(const string &attr_name, Tango::DevLong ctr=0)
Push a data ready event for the attribute with name specified as the first parameter.
Asynchronous command execution callback data.
Definition: devasyn.h:76
Event callback execution data.
Definition: event.h:73
void add_command(Command *new_cmd, bool device=false)
Add a new command to the device command list.
bool err
A boolean flag set to true if the request failed. False otherwise.
Definition: event.h:94
void unregister_server()
Unregister a device server process from the TANGO database.
string name
Definition: devapi.h:171
bool has_failed() const
Check if an error has occured.
Definition: group.h:426
void set_min_alarm(const T &new_min_alarm)
Set attribute minimum alarm.
string & get_str()
Get string representation of the compound attribute property values.
Definition: attrprop.h:429
This class represents Tango modifiable attribute properties grouped in one object to facilitate setti...
Definition: attrprop.h:547
void set_polling_threads_pool_size(unsigned long thread_nb)
Set the polling threads pool size.
Definition: utils.h:493
Attribute & get_attr_by_ind(const long ind)
Get Attribute object from its index.
Definition: multiattribute.h:142
Default constructor.
Definition: attrprop.h:281
string label
The pipe label.
Definition: pipe.h:435
string writable_attr_name
Writable att. name.
Definition: devapi.h:187
static TANGO_NORETURN void re_throw_exception(Tango::DevFailed &ex, const string &reason, char *desc, char *origin, Tango::ErrSeverity sever=Tango::ERR)
Re-throw a TANGO DevFailed exception with one more error.
Definition: except.h:1509
NamedDevFailedList & errors
The error stack.
Definition: devasyn.h:197
DoubleAttrProp & operator=(const T &value)
Assign the values of the compound attribute property.
Definition: attrprop.h:362
long get_y()
Get attribute data size in y dimension.
Definition: attribute.h:419
Tango::DevVarCharArray * create_DevVarCharArray(unsigned char *ptr, long length)
Create a DevVarCharArray type.
Definition: device.h:713
void stop_poll_attribute(const string &att_name)
Stop polling one attribute.
string format
Definition: devapi.h:182
Polling mode request.
Definition: devapi.h:401
Device interface change event.
Definition: tango_const.h:1090
bool err
A boolean flag set to true if the request failed. False otherwise.
Definition: event.h:194
virtual Tango::DevCmdHistory_4 * command_inout_history_4(const char *command, CORBA::Long n)
Read command value history.
void reset()
Reset the object.
Definition: group.h:435
Tango::DeviceProxy * device
Definition: devasyn.h:143
This class is a class representing a command in the template command model with output parameter but ...
Definition: command.h:2796
static TANGO_IMP bool _daemon
A daemon process flag.
Definition: utils.h:702
AttrSerialModel get_attr_serial_model()
Get attribute serialization model.
Definition: attribute.h:471
DoubleAttrProp & operator=(const string &value_str)
Assign the values of the compound attribute property.
Definition: attrprop.h:397
void set_val(const vector< T > &values)
Set the compound attribute property values.
Definition: attrprop.h:437
int data_type
Data type.
Definition: devapi.h:174
CORBA::Any * execute(DeviceImpl *dev, const CORBA::Any &in_any)
Invoke the command execution method given at object creation time.
Definition: command.h:2199
AttributeInfoListEx att_list
Device attribute list info.
Definition: event.h:374
void set_val(const T &value)
Set the compound attribute property values.
Definition: attrprop.h:459
virtual Tango::AttributeConfigList_5 * get_attribute_config_5(const Tango::DevVarStringArray &names)
Get attribute(s) configuration.
DoubleAttrProp & operator=(const char *value_str)
Assign the values of the compound attribute property.
Definition: attrprop.h:383
bool has_failed() const
Check if an error has occured.
Definition: group.h:557
string device_status
The device status.
Definition: device.h:3264
string archive_period
Archive event period.
Definition: devapi.h:284
void set_label(const string &def_label)
Set default label property.
Definition: fwdattrdesc.h:78
AttrProp(const char *value_str)
Create a new AttrProp object.
Definition: attrprop.h:92
void get_write_value(Tango::DevDouble &val)
Retrieve the new value for writable attribute when attribute data type is Tango::DevDouble.
Definition: w_attribute.h:282
Archive event.
Definition: tango_const.h:1086
string & get_type()
Get the TANGO device type name.
Definition: deviceclass.h:222
Base structure for pipe information.
Definition: devapi.h:367
string get_data_elt_name(size_t ind)
Get blob data element name.
Attr(const char *name, long data_type, Tango::AttrWriteType w_type=Tango::READ, const char *assoc=AssocWritNotSpec)
Constructs a newly allocated Attr object.
string max_alarm
Max alarm.
Definition: devapi.h:186
DeviceData & argout
The command argout.
Definition: devasyn.h:92
DevErrorList & errors
The error stack.
Definition: devasyn.h:147
void get_write_value(const Tango::DevUChar *&ptr)
Retrieve the new value for writable attribute when attribute data type is Tango::DevUChar and the att...
Definition: w_attribute.h:368
static TANGO_NORETURN void re_throw_exception(Tango::DevFailed &ex, char *reason, const string &desc, char *origin, Tango::ErrSeverity sever=Tango::ERR)
Re-throw a TANGO DevFailed exception with one more error.
Definition: except.h:1586
string standard_unit
The attribute standard unit.
Definition: attribute.h:2026
void set_write_value(Tango::DevShort val)
Set the writable scalar attribute value when the attribute data type is Tango::DevShort.
static TANGO_NORETURN void re_throw_exception(Tango::DevFailed &ex, const char *reason, const char *desc, const char *origin, Tango::ErrSeverity sever=Tango::ERR)
Re-throw a TANGO DevFailed exception with one more error.
Definition: except.h:874
virtual Group * get_group(const std::string &group_name)
Returns a reference to the specified group.
size_t get_data_elt_nb()
Get blob data element number.
Definition: pipe.h:266
static TANGO_NORETURN void re_throw_exception(Tango::DevFailed &ex, const char *reason, char *desc, const char *origin, Tango::ErrSeverity sever=Tango::ERR)
Re-throw a TANGO DevFailed exception with one more error.
Definition: except.h:949
string & get_out_type_desc()
Return the output parameter description.
Definition: command.h:328
WAttribute & get_w_attr_by_ind(const long ind)
Get Writable Attribute object from its index.
Definition: multiattribute.h:165
PipeSerialModel get_pipe_serial_model()
Get pipe serialization model.
Definition: pipe.h:212
void set_in_type_desc(string &desc)
Set the input parameter description field.
Definition: command.h:349
void init_types()
Initialise command input and output types.
Definition: command.h:3260
string & get_pid_str()
Get the device server process identifier as a String.
Definition: utils.h:321
bool value_flag
A flag set to true if the attribute value has been updated.
Definition: attribute.h:1963
long get_write_value_length()
Retrieve the new value length (data number) for writable attribute.
Attribute & get_attr_by_name(const char *attr_name)
Get Attribute object from its name.
void get_write_value(const Tango::DevDouble *&ptr)
Retrieve the new value for writable attribute when attribute data type is Tango::DevDouble and the at...
Definition: w_attribute.h:292
void get_write_value(Tango::DevEncoded &val)
Retrieve the new value for writable attribute when attribute data type is Tango::DevEncoded.
Definition: w_attribute.h:434
string & get_str()
Get string representation of the attribute property value.
Definition: attrprop.h:175
bool is_allowed(DeviceImpl *dev, const CORBA::Any &in_any)
Invoke the command allowed method given at object creation time.
A high level object for a device interface to the database.
Definition: dbapi.h:52
vector< string > extensions
Future extensions.
Definition: devapi.h:231
void set_default_properties(UserDefaultFwdAttrProp &prop)
Set default attribute properties.
Tango::CmdArgType get_in_type()
Return the input parameter type.
Definition: command.h:307
static int _tracelevel
The process trace level.
Definition: utils.h:690
virtual Tango::DevPipeData * write_read_pipe_5(const Tango::DevPipeData &pipe_value, const Tango::ClntIdent &cl_ident)
Write then read pipe value.
Do not read attribute(s) if one of the written attribute(s) failed.
Definition: tango_const.h:1132
string & cmd_name
The command name.
Definition: devasyn.h:91
Quality change event (deprecated - do not use)
Definition: tango_const.h:1084
AttrDataFormat data_format
Data format (Scalar, Spectrum,...)
Definition: devapi.h:173
vector< long > alarm_attr_list
The list of attribute with an alarm level defined.
Definition: multiattribute.h:274
void set_type(const type_info &data_type, Tango::CmdArgType &type)
Choose the correct TANGO data type constant according to data type.
Tango::Attr_CheckVal min_alarm
The attribute minimum alarm in binary format.
Definition: attribute.h:2080
DevErrorList errors
The error stack.
Definition: event.h:195
string unit
Definition: devapi.h:179
void set_max_value(const char *def_max_value)
Set default max_value property.
Definition: attrdesc.h:154
Possible memorized attribute type.
Definition: devapi.h:314
CORBA::Any * execute(DeviceImpl *dev, const CORBA::Any &in_any)
Invoke the command execution method given at object creation time.
void set_str(const string &value_str)
Set string representation of the attribute property value.
Definition: attrprop.h:203
void set_polling_period(long per)
Set the command polling period.
Definition: command.h:377
void connect_db()
Connect the process to the TANGO database.
AttrProp< DevLong > delta_t
Attribute delta_t.
Definition: attrprop.h:615
void reset_filedatabase()
Reread the file database.
Pipe event callback execution data.
Definition: event.h:439
int get_data_elt_type(size_t ind)
Get blob data element value type.
Tango::DevState device_state
The device state.
Definition: device.h:3268
This class is a class representing a command in the template command model with output and input para...
Definition: command.h:1688