Tango Core Classes Reference  9.3.3
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Tango::Device_2Impl Class Reference

Base class for all TANGO device since version 2. More...

#include "tango.h"

Inheritance diagram for Tango::Device_2Impl:
Collaboration diagram for Tango::Device_2Impl:

Public Member Functions


Miscellaneous constructors

 Device_2Impl (DeviceClass *device_class, string &dev_name)
 Constructs a newly allocated Device_2Impl object from its name. More...
 Device_2Impl (DeviceClass *device_class, string &dev_name, string &desc)
 Constructs a newly allocated Device_2Impl object from its name and its description. More...
 Device_2Impl (DeviceClass *device_class, string &dev_name, string &desc, Tango::DevState dev_state, string &dev_status)
 Constructs a newly allocated Device_2Impl object from all its creation parameters. More...
 Device_2Impl (DeviceClass *device_class, const char *dev_name, const char *desc="A TANGO device", Tango::DevState dev_state=Tango::UNKNOWN, const char *dev_status=StatusNotSet)
 Constructs a newly allocated Device_2Impl object from all its creation parameters with some default values. More...

Only one desctructor is defined for this class

virtual ~Device_2Impl ()
 The device desctructor.
CORBA operation methods

Method defined to implement TANGO device CORBA operation

virtual CORBA::Any * command_inout_2 (const char *in_cmd, const CORBA::Any &in_data, Tango::DevSource source)
 Execute a command. More...
virtual Tango::DevCmdInfoList_2 * command_list_query_2 ()
 Get device command list. More...
virtual Tango::DevCmdInfo_2 * command_query_2 (const char *command)
 Get command info. More...
virtual Tango::AttributeValueList * read_attributes_2 (const Tango::DevVarStringArray &names, Tango::DevSource source)
 Read attribute(s) value. More...
virtual Tango::AttributeConfigList_2 * get_attribute_config_2 (const Tango::DevVarStringArray &names)
 Get attribute(s) configuration. More...
virtual Tango::DevAttrHistoryList * read_attribute_history_2 (const char *name, CORBA::Long n)
 Read attribute value history. More...
virtual Tango::DevCmdHistoryList * command_inout_history_2 (const char *command, CORBA::Long n)
 Read command value history. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Tango::DeviceImpl
 DeviceImpl (DeviceClass *device_class, string &dev_name)
 Constructs a newly allocated DeviceImpl object from its name. More...
 DeviceImpl (DeviceClass *device_class, string &dev_name, string &desc)
 Constructs a newly allocated DeviceImpl object from its name and its description. More...
 DeviceImpl (DeviceClass *device_class, string &dev_name, string &desc, Tango::DevState dev_state, string &dev_status)
 Constructs a newly allocated DeviceImpl object from all its creation parameters. More...
 DeviceImpl (DeviceClass *device_class, const char *dev_name, const char *desc="A TANGO device", Tango::DevState dev_state=Tango::UNKNOWN, const char *dev_status=StatusNotSet)
 Constructs a newly allocated DeviceImpl object from all its creation parameters with some default values. More...
virtual ~DeviceImpl ()
 The device desctructor.
string & get_status ()
 Get device status. More...
void set_status (const string &new_status)
 Set device status. More...
void append_status (const string &stat, bool new_line=false)
 Appends a string to the device status. More...
Tango::DevState & get_state ()
 Get device state. More...
Tango::DevState & get_prev_state ()
 Get device's previous state. More...
void set_state (const Tango::DevState &new_state)
 Set device state. More...
string & get_name ()
 Get device name. More...
DeviceClassget_device_class ()
 Get device class singleton. More...
MultiAttributeget_device_attr ()
 Get device multi attribute object. More...
void set_device_attr (MultiAttribute *ptr)
 Set device multi attribute object. More...
DbDeviceget_db_device ()
 Get a pointer to the associated DbDevice object. More...
void set_d_var (Tango::Device_ptr d)
 Set the associated CORBA object reference. More...
Tango::Device_var get_d_var ()
 Get the associated CORBA object reference. More...
void set_obj_id (PortableServer::ObjectId_var o)
 Set the associated CORBA object identifier. More...
PortableServer::ObjectId_var & get_obj_id ()
 Get the associated CORBA object identifier. More...
virtual PortableServer::POA_ptr _default_POA ()
 Return device POA. More...
virtual void init_device ()=0
 Intialise a device. More...
virtual void delete_device ()
 Delete a device. More...
virtual void always_executed_hook (void)
 Hook method. More...
virtual void read_attr_hardware (vector< long > &attr_list)
 Read the hardware to return attribute value(s). More...
virtual void read_attr (Attribute &attr)
 Set the attribute read value. More...
virtual void write_attr_hardware (vector< long > &attr_list)
 Write the hardware for attributes. More...
virtual Tango::DevState dev_state ()
 Get device state. More...
virtual Tango::ConstDevString dev_status ()
 Get device status. More...
void add_attribute (Attr *new_attr)
 Add a new attribute to the device attribute list. More...
void remove_attribute (Attr *rem_attr, bool free_it=false, bool clean_db=true)
 Remove one attribute from the device attribute list. More...
void remove_attribute (string &rem_attr_name, bool free_it=false, bool clean_db=true)
 Remove one attribute from the device attribute list. More...
void add_command (Command *new_cmd, bool device=false)
 Add a new command to the device command list. More...
void remove_command (Command *rem_cmd, bool free_it=false, bool clean_db=true)
 Remove one command from the device command list. More...
void remove_command (const string &rem_cmd_name, bool free_it=false, bool clean_db=true)
 Remove one command from the device command list. More...
vector< PollObj * >::iterator get_polled_obj_by_type_name (Tango::PollObjType obj_type, const string &obj_name)
 Retrieve a polled object from the polled object list. More...
bool is_there_subscriber (const string &att_name, EventType event_type)
 Check if there is subscriber(s) listening for the event. More...
Tango::DevVarCharArray * create_DevVarCharArray (unsigned char *ptr, long length)
 Create a DevVarCharArray type. More...
Tango::DevVarShortArray * create_DevVarShortArray (short *ptr, long length)
 Create a DevVarShortArray type. More...
Tango::DevVarLongArray * create_DevVarLongArray (DevLong *ptr, long length)
 Create a DevVarLongArray type. More...
Tango::DevVarLong64Array * create_DevVarLong64Array (DevLong64 *ptr, long length)
 Create a DevVarLong64Array type. More...
Tango::DevVarFloatArray * create_DevVarFloatArray (float *ptr, long length)
 Create a DevVarFloatArray type. More...
Tango::DevVarDoubleArray * create_DevVarDoubleArray (double *ptr, long length)
 Create a DevVarDoubleArray type. More...
Tango::DevVarUShortArray * create_DevVarUShortArray (unsigned short *ptr, long length)
 Create a DevVarUShortArray type. More...
Tango::DevVarULongArray * create_DevVarULongArray (DevULong *ptr, long length)
 Create a DevVarULongArray type. More...
Tango::DevVarULong64Array * create_DevVarULong64Array (DevULong64 *ptr, long length)
 Create a DevVarULong64Array type. More...
Tango::DevVarStringArray * create_DevVarStringArray (char **ptr, long length)
 Create a DevVarStringArray type. More...
void set_change_event (string attr_name, bool implemented, bool detect=true)
 Set an implemented flag for the attribute to indicate that the server fires change events manually, without the polling to be started. More...
void push_change_event (string attr_name, DevFailed *except=NULL)
 Push a change event for a state or status attribute or return an exception as change event for any attribute. More...
void push_change_event (string attr_name, Tango::DevShort *p_data, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push a change event for an attribute with Tango::DevShort attribute data type. More...
void push_change_event (string attr_name, Tango::DevLong *p_data, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push a change event for an attribute with Tango::DevLong attribute data type. More...
void push_change_event (string attr_name, Tango::DevLong64 *p_data, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push a change event for an attribute with Tango::DevLong64 attribute data type. More...
void push_change_event (string attr_name, Tango::DevFloat *p_data, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push a change event for an attribute with Tango::DevFloat attribute data type. More...
void push_change_event (string attr_name, Tango::DevDouble *p_data, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push a change event for an attribute with Tango::DevDouble attribute data type. More...
void push_change_event (string attr_name, Tango::DevString *p_data, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push a change event for an attribute with Tango::DevString attribute data type. More...
void push_change_event (string attr_name, Tango::DevBoolean *p_data, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push a change event for an attribute with Tango::DevBoolean attribute data type. More...
void push_change_event (string attr_name, Tango::DevUShort *p_data, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 void push_change_event (string attr_name, Tango::DevBoolea Push a change event for an attribute with Tango::DevUShort attribute data type. More...
void push_change_event (string attr_name, Tango::DevUChar *p_data, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push a change event for an attribute with Tango::DevUChar attribute data type. More...
void push_change_event (string attr_name, Tango::DevULong *p_data, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push a change event for an attribute with Tango::DevULong attribute data type. More...
void push_change_event (string attr_name, Tango::DevULong64 *p_data, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push a change event for an attribute with Tango::DevULong64 attribute data type. More...
void push_change_event (string attr_name, Tango::DevState *p_data, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push a change event for an attribute with Tango::DevState attribute data type. More...
void push_change_event (string attr_name, Tango::DevEncoded *p_data, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push a change event for an attribute with Tango::DevEncoded attribute data type. More...
void push_change_event (string attr_name, Tango::DevString *p_str_data, Tango::DevUChar *p_data, long size, bool release=false)
 Push a change event for an attribute with Tango::DevEncoded attribute data type when the DevEncoded data are specified by two pointers. More...
void push_change_event (string attr_name, Tango::DevShort *p_data, struct timeval &t, Tango::AttrQuality qual, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push a change event for an attribute with Tango::DevShort attribute data type. More...
void push_change_event (string attr_name, Tango::DevLong *p_data, struct timeval &t, Tango::AttrQuality qual, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push a change event for an attribute with Tango::DevLong attribute data type. More...
void push_change_event (string attr_name, Tango::DevLong64 *p_data, struct timeval &t, Tango::AttrQuality qual, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push a change event for an attribute with Tango::DevLong64 attribute data type. More...
void push_change_event (string attr_name, Tango::DevFloat *p_data, struct timeval &t, Tango::AttrQuality qual, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push a change event for an attribute with Tango::DevFloat attribute data type. More...
void push_change_event (string attr_name, Tango::DevDouble *p_data, struct timeval &t, Tango::AttrQuality qual, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push a change event for an attribute with Tango::DevDouble attribute data type. More...
void push_change_event (string attr_name, Tango::DevString *p_data, struct timeval &t, Tango::AttrQuality qual, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push a change event for an attribute with Tango::DevString attribute data type. More...
void push_change_event (string attr_name, Tango::DevBoolean *p_data, struct timeval &t, Tango::AttrQuality qual, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push a change event for an attribute with Tango::DevBoolean attribute data type. More...
void push_change_event (string attr_name, Tango::DevUShort *p_data, struct timeval &t, Tango::AttrQuality qual, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push a change event for an attribute with Tango::DevUShort attribute data type. More...
void push_change_event (string attr_name, Tango::DevUChar *p_data, struct timeval &t, Tango::AttrQuality qual, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push a change event for an attribute with Tango::DevUChar attribute data type. More...
void push_change_event (string attr_name, Tango::DevULong *p_data, struct timeval &t, Tango::AttrQuality qual, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push a change event for an attribute with Tango::DevULong attribute data type. More...
void push_change_event (string attr_name, Tango::DevULong64 *p_data, struct timeval &t, Tango::AttrQuality qual, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push a change event for an attribute with Tango::DevULong64 attribute data type. More...
void push_change_event (string attr_name, Tango::DevState *p_data, struct timeval &t, Tango::AttrQuality qual, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push a change event for an attribute with Tango::DevState attribute data type. More...
void push_change_event (string attr_name, Tango::DevEncoded *p_data, struct timeval &t, Tango::AttrQuality qual, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push a change event for an attribute with Tango::DevEncoded attribute data type. More...
void push_change_event (string attr_name, Tango::DevString *p_str_data, Tango::DevUChar *p_data, long size, struct timeval &t, Tango::AttrQuality qual, bool release=false)
 Push a change event for an attribute with Tango::DevEncoded attribute data type when the data rea specified with two pointers. More...
void set_archive_event (string attr_name, bool implemented, bool detect=true)
 Set an implemented flag for the attribute to indicate that the server fires archive events manually, without the polling to be started. More...
void push_archive_event (string attr_name, DevFailed *except=NULL)
 Push an archive event for state or status attribute or push an exception as archive event for any attribute. More...
void push_archive_event (string attr_name, Tango::DevShort *p_data, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push an archive event for an attribute with Tango::DevShort attribute data type. More...
void push_archive_event (string attr_name, Tango::DevLong *p_data, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push an archive event for an attribute with Tango::DevLong attribute data type. More...
void push_archive_event (string attr_name, Tango::DevLong64 *p_data, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push an archive event for an attribute with Tango::DevLong64 attribute data type. More...
void push_archive_event (string attr_name, Tango::DevFloat *p_data, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push an archive event for an attribute with Tango::DevFloat attribute data type. More...
void push_archive_event (string attr_name, Tango::DevDouble *p_data, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push an archive event for an attribute with Tango::DevDouble attribute data type. More...
void push_archive_event (string attr_name, Tango::DevString *p_data, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push an archive event for an attribute with Tango::DevString attribute data type. More...
void push_archive_event (string attr_name, Tango::DevBoolean *p_data, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push an archive event for an attribute with Tango::DevBoolean attribute data type. More...
void push_archive_event (string attr_name, Tango::DevUShort *p_data, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push an archive event for an attribute with Tango::DevUShort attribute data type. More...
void push_archive_event (string attr_name, Tango::DevUChar *p_data, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push an archive event for an attribute with Tango::DevUChar attribute data type. More...
void push_archive_event (string attr_name, Tango::DevULong *p_data, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push an archive event for an attribute with Tango::DevULong attribute data type. More...
void push_archive_event (string attr_name, Tango::DevULong64 *p_data, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push an archive event for an attribute with Tango::DevLong64 attribute data type. More...
void push_archive_event (string attr_name, Tango::DevState *p_data, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push an archive event for an attribute with Tango::DevState attribute data type. More...
void push_archive_event (string attr_name, Tango::DevEncoded *p_data, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push an archive event for an attribute with Tango::DevEncoded attribute data type. More...
void push_archive_event (string attr_name, Tango::DevString *p_str_data, Tango::DevUChar *p_data, long size, bool release=false)
 Push an archive event for an attribute with Tango::DevEncoded attribute data type when the data are specified using two pointers. More...
void push_archive_event (string attr_name, Tango::DevShort *p_data, struct timeval &t, Tango::AttrQuality qual, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push an archive event for an attribute with Tango::DevShort attribute data type. More...
void push_archive_event (string attr_name, Tango::DevLong *p_data, struct timeval &t, Tango::AttrQuality qual, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push an archive event for an attribute with Tango::DevLong attribute data type. More...
void push_archive_event (string attr_name, Tango::DevLong64 *p_data, struct timeval &t, Tango::AttrQuality qual, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push an archive event for an attribute with Tango::DevLong64 attribute data type. More...
void push_archive_event (string attr_name, Tango::DevFloat *p_data, struct timeval &t, Tango::AttrQuality qual, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push an archive event for an attribute with Tango::DevFloat attribute data type. More...
void push_archive_event (string attr_name, Tango::DevDouble *p_data, struct timeval &t, Tango::AttrQuality qual, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push an archive event for an attribute with Tango::DevDouble attribute data type. More...
void push_archive_event (string attr_name, Tango::DevString *p_data, struct timeval &t, Tango::AttrQuality qual, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push an archive event for an attribute with Tango::DevString attribute data type. More...
void push_archive_event (string attr_name, Tango::DevBoolean *p_data, struct timeval &t, Tango::AttrQuality qual, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push an archive event for an attribute with Tango::DevBoolean attribute data type. More...
void push_archive_event (string attr_name, Tango::DevUShort *p_data, struct timeval &t, Tango::AttrQuality qual, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push an archive event for an attribute with Tango::DevUShort attribute data type. More...
void push_archive_event (string attr_name, Tango::DevUChar *p_data, struct timeval &t, Tango::AttrQuality qual, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push an archive event for an attribute with Tango::DevUChar attribute data type. More...
void push_archive_event (string attr_name, Tango::DevULong *p_data, struct timeval &t, Tango::AttrQuality qual, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push an archive event for an attribute with Tango::DevULong attribute data type. More...
void push_archive_event (string attr_name, Tango::DevULong64 *p_data, struct timeval &t, Tango::AttrQuality qual, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push an archive event for an attribute with Tango::DevULong64 attribute data type. More...
void push_archive_event (string attr_name, Tango::DevState *p_data, struct timeval &t, Tango::AttrQuality qual, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push an archive event for an attribute with Tango::DevState attribute data type. More...
void push_archive_event (string attr_name, Tango::DevEncoded *p_data, struct timeval &t, Tango::AttrQuality qual, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push an archive event for an attribute with Tango::DevEncoded attribute data type. More...
void push_archive_event (string attr_name, Tango::DevString *p_str_data, Tango::DevUChar *p_data, long size, struct timeval &t, Tango::AttrQuality qual, bool release=false)
 Push an archive event for an attribute with Tango::DevEncoded attribute data type when it is specified using two pointers. More...
void push_event (string attr_name, vector< string > &filt_names, vector< double > &filt_vals, DevFailed *except=NULL)
 Push a user event for a state or status attribute or return an exception as user event for any attribute. More...
void push_event (string attr_name, vector< string > &filt_names, vector< double > &filt_vals, Tango::DevShort *p_data, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push a user event for an attribute with Tango::DevShort attribute data type. More...
void push_event (string attr_name, vector< string > &filt_names, vector< double > &filt_vals, Tango::DevLong *p_data, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push a user event for an attribute with Tango::DevLong attribute data type. More...
void push_event (string attr_name, vector< string > &filt_names, vector< double > &filt_vals, Tango::DevLong64 *p_data, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push a user event for an attribute with Tango::DevLong64 attribute data type. More...
void push_event (string attr_name, vector< string > &filt_names, vector< double > &filt_vals, Tango::DevFloat *p_data, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push a user event for an attribute with Tango::DevFloat attribute data type. More...
void push_event (string attr_name, vector< string > &filt_names, vector< double > &filt_vals, Tango::DevDouble *p_data, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push a user event for an attribute with Tango::DevDouble attribute data type. More...
void push_event (string attr_name, vector< string > &filt_names, vector< double > &filt_vals, Tango::DevString *p_data, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push a user event for an attribute with Tango::DevString attribute data type. More...
void push_event (string attr_name, vector< string > &filt_names, vector< double > &filt_vals, Tango::DevBoolean *p_data, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push a user event for an attribute with Tango::DevBoolean attribute data type. More...
void push_event (string attr_name, vector< string > &filt_names, vector< double > &filt_vals, Tango::DevUShort *p_data, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push a user event for an attribute with Tango::DevUShort attribute data type. More...
void push_event (string attr_name, vector< string > &filt_names, vector< double > &filt_vals, Tango::DevUChar *p_data, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push a user event for an attribute with Tango::DevUChar attribute data type. More...
void push_event (string attr_name, vector< string > &filt_names, vector< double > &filt_vals, Tango::DevULong *p_data, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push a user event for an attribute with Tango::DevULong attribute data type. More...
void push_event (string attr_name, vector< string > &filt_names, vector< double > &filt_vals, Tango::DevULong64 *p_data, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push a user event for an attribute with Tango::DevULong64 attribute data type. More...
void push_event (string attr_name, vector< string > &filt_names, vector< double > &filt_vals, Tango::DevState *p_data, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push a user event for an attribute with Tango::DevState attribute data type. More...
void push_event (string attr_name, vector< string > &filt_names, vector< double > &filt_vals, Tango::DevEncoded *p_data, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push a user event for an attribute with Tango::DevEncoded attribute data type. More...
void push_event (string attr_name, vector< string > &filt_names, vector< double > &filt_vals, Tango::DevString *p_str_data, Tango::DevUChar *p_data, long size, bool release=false)
 Push a user event for an attribute with Tango::DevEncoded attribute data type when the attribute data are specified with 2 pointers. More...
void push_event (string attr_name, vector< string > &filt_names, vector< double > &filt_vals, Tango::DevShort *p_data, struct timeval &t, Tango::AttrQuality qual, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push a user event for an attribute with Tango::DevShort attribute data type. More...
void push_event (string attr_name, vector< string > &filt_names, vector< double > &filt_vals, Tango::DevLong *p_data, struct timeval &t, Tango::AttrQuality qual, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push a user event for an attribute with Tango::DevLong attribute data type. More...
void push_event (string attr_name, vector< string > &filt_names, vector< double > &filt_vals, Tango::DevLong64 *p_data, struct timeval &t, Tango::AttrQuality qual, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push a user event for an attribute with Tango::DevLong64 attribute data type. More...
void push_event (string attr_name, vector< string > &filt_names, vector< double > &filt_vals, Tango::DevFloat *p_data, struct timeval &t, Tango::AttrQuality qual, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push a user event for an attribute with Tango::DevFloat attribute data type. More...
void push_event (string attr_name, vector< string > &filt_names, vector< double > &filt_vals, Tango::DevDouble *p_data, struct timeval &t, Tango::AttrQuality qual, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push a user event for an attribute with Tango::DevDouble attribute data type. More...
void push_event (string attr_name, vector< string > &filt_names, vector< double > &filt_vals, Tango::DevString *p_data, struct timeval &t, Tango::AttrQuality qual, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push a user event for an attribute with Tango::DevString attribute data type. More...
void push_event (string attr_name, vector< string > &filt_names, vector< double > &filt_vals, Tango::DevBoolean *p_data, struct timeval &t, Tango::AttrQuality qual, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push a user event for an attribute with Tango::DevBoolean attribute data type. More...
void push_event (string attr_name, vector< string > &filt_names, vector< double > &filt_vals, Tango::DevUShort *p_data, struct timeval &t, Tango::AttrQuality qual, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push a user event for an attribute with Tango::DevUShort attribute data type. More...
void push_event (string attr_name, vector< string > &filt_names, vector< double > &filt_vals, Tango::DevUChar *p_data, struct timeval &t, Tango::AttrQuality qual, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push a user event for an attribute with Tango::DevUChar attribute data type. More...
void push_event (string attr_name, vector< string > &filt_names, vector< double > &filt_vals, Tango::DevULong *p_data, struct timeval &t, Tango::AttrQuality qual, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push a user event for an attribute with Tango::DevULong attribute data type. More...
void push_event (string attr_name, vector< string > &filt_names, vector< double > &filt_vals, Tango::DevULong64 *p_data, struct timeval &t, Tango::AttrQuality qual, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push a user event for an attribute with Tango::DevULong64 attribute data type. More...
void push_event (string attr_name, vector< string > &filt_names, vector< double > &filt_vals, Tango::DevState *p_data, struct timeval &t, Tango::AttrQuality qual, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push a user event for an attribute with Tango::DevState attribute data type. More...
void push_event (string attr_name, vector< string > &filt_names, vector< double > &filt_vals, Tango::DevEncoded *p_data, struct timeval &t, Tango::AttrQuality qual, long x=1, long y=0, bool release=false)
 Push a user event for an attribute with Tango::DevEncoded attribute data type. More...
void push_event (string attr_name, vector< string > &filt_names, vector< double > &filt_vals, Tango::DevString *p_str_data, Tango::DevUChar *p_data, long size, struct timeval &t, Tango::AttrQuality qual, bool release=false)
 Push a user event for an attribute with Tango::DevEncoded attribute data type when the string part and the data part of the DevEncoded data are specified separately. More...
void set_data_ready_event (string attr_name, bool implemented)
 Set an implemented flag for the attribute to indicate that the server fires data ready event for this attribute. More...
void push_data_ready_event (const string &attr_name, Tango::DevLong ctr=0)
 Push a data ready event for the attribute with name specified as the first parameter. More...
void push_pipe_event (const string &pipe_name, DevFailed *except)
 Push a pipe event with exception data as value The method needs the pipe name as input. More...
void push_pipe_event (const string &pipe_name, Tango::DevicePipeBlob *p_data, bool reuse_it=false)
 Push a pipe event. More...
void push_pipe_event (const string &pipe_name, Tango::DevicePipeBlob *p_data, struct timeval &t, bool reuse_it=false)
 Push a pipe event with a specified timestamp. More...
void register_signal (long signo, bool own_handler=false)
 Register a signal to be executed in a signal handler. More...
void unregister_signal (long signo)
 Unregister a signal. More...
virtual void signal_handler (long signo)
 Signal handler. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from Tango::DeviceImpl
bool is_attribute_polled (const string &att_name)
 Check if attribute is polled. More...
bool is_command_polled (const string &cmd_name)
 Check if command is polled. More...
int get_attribute_poll_period (const string &att_name)
 Get attribute polling period. More...
int get_command_poll_period (const string &cmd_name)
 Get command polling period. More...
void poll_attribute (const string &att_name, int period)
 Start polling one attribute. More...
void poll_command (const string &cmd_name, int period)
 Start polling a command. More...
void stop_poll_attribute (const string &att_name)
 Stop polling one attribute. More...
void stop_poll_command (const string &cmd_name)
 Stop polling one command. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from Tango::DeviceImpl
BlackBox * blackbox_ptr
 The device black box pointer.
long blackbox_depth
 The device black box depth.
string device_name
 The device name.
string desc
 The device description.
string device_status
 The device status.
Tango::DevState device_state
 The device state.
long version
 The device version.
 Pointer to the device-class object associated with the device.
 Pointer to the multi attribute object.
 Pointer to the associated DbDevice object.
string adm_device_name
 The administration device name.

Detailed Description

Base class for all TANGO device since version 2.

This class inherits from DeviceImpl class which itself inherits from CORBA classes where all the network layer is implemented. This class has been created since release 2 of Tango library where the IDL Tango module has been modified in order to create a Device_2 interface which inherits from the original Device interface

$Author$ $Revision$

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Device_2Impl() [1/4]

Tango::Device_2Impl::Device_2Impl ( DeviceClass device_class,
string &  dev_name 

Constructs a newly allocated Device_2Impl object from its name.

The device description field is set to A Tango device. The device state is set to unknown and the device status is set to Not Initialised

device_classPointer to the device class object
dev_nameThe device name

◆ Device_2Impl() [2/4]

Tango::Device_2Impl::Device_2Impl ( DeviceClass device_class,
string &  dev_name,
string &  desc 

Constructs a newly allocated Device_2Impl object from its name and its description.

The device state is set to unknown and the device status is set to Not Initialised

device_classPointer to the device class object
dev_nameThe device name
descThe device description

◆ Device_2Impl() [3/4]

Tango::Device_2Impl::Device_2Impl ( DeviceClass device_class,
string &  dev_name,
string &  desc,
Tango::DevState  dev_state,
string &  dev_status 

Constructs a newly allocated Device_2Impl object from all its creation parameters.

The device is constructed from its name, its description, an original state and status

device_classPointer to the device class object
dev_nameThe device name
descThe device description
dev_stateThe device initial state
dev_statusThe device initial status

◆ Device_2Impl() [4/4]

Tango::Device_2Impl::Device_2Impl ( DeviceClass device_class,
const char *  dev_name,
const char *  desc = "A TANGO device",
Tango::DevState  dev_state = Tango::UNKNOWN,
const char *  dev_status = StatusNotSet 

Constructs a newly allocated Device_2Impl object from all its creation parameters with some default values.

The device is constructed from its name, its description, an original state and status. This constructor defined default values for the description, state and status parameters. The default device description is A TANGO device. The default device state is UNKNOWN and the default device status is Not initialised.

device_classPointer to the device class object
dev_nameThe device name
descThe device desc
dev_stateThe device initial state
dev_statusThe device initial status

Member Function Documentation

◆ command_inout_2()

virtual CORBA::Any* Tango::Device_2Impl::command_inout_2 ( const char *  in_cmd,
const CORBA::Any &  in_data,
Tango::DevSource  source 

Execute a command.

It's the master method executed when a "command_inout_2" CORBA operation is requested by a client. It updates the device black-box, call the TANGO command handler and returned the output Any

in_cmdThe command name
in_dataThe command input data packed in a CORBA Any
sourceThe data source. This parameter is new in Tango release 2. It allows a client to choose the data source between the device itself or the data cache for polled command.
The command output data packed in a CORBA Any object
DevFailedRe-throw of the exception thrown by the command_handler method. Click here to read DevFailed exception specification

◆ command_inout_history_2()

virtual Tango::DevCmdHistoryList* Tango::Device_2Impl::command_inout_history_2 ( const char *  command,
CORBA::Long  n 

Read command value history.

Invoked when the client request the command_inout_history_2 CORBA operation. This operation allows a client to retrieve command return value history for polled command. The depth of the history is limited to the depth of the device server internal polling buffer. It returns to the client one DevCmdHistory structure for each record.

commandThe command name
nThe record number.
A sequence of DevCmdHistory structure. One structure is initialised for each record with the command return value (in an Any), the date and in case of the command returns an error when it was read, the DevErrors data. Click here to read DevCmdHistory structure definition.
DevFailedThrown if the attribute does not exist or is not polled. Click here to read DevFailed exception specification

◆ command_list_query_2()

virtual Tango::DevCmdInfoList_2* Tango::Device_2Impl::command_list_query_2 ( )

Get device command list.

Invoked when the client request the command_list_query_2 CORBA operation. It updates the device black box and returns an array of DevCmdInfo_2 object with one object for each command.

The device command list. One DevCmdInfo_2 is initialised for each device command. Since Tango release 2, the command display level field has been added to this structure

◆ command_query_2()

virtual Tango::DevCmdInfo_2* Tango::Device_2Impl::command_query_2 ( const char *  command)

Get command info.

Invoked when the client request the command_query_2 CORBA operation. It updates the device black box and returns a DevCmdInfo_2 object for the command with name passed to the method as parameter.

commandThe command name
A DevCmdInfo_2 initialised for the wanted command.
DevFailedThrown if the command does not exist. Since Tango release 2, the command display level field has been added to this structure. Click here to read DevFailed exception specification

◆ get_attribute_config_2()

virtual Tango::AttributeConfigList_2* Tango::Device_2Impl::get_attribute_config_2 ( const Tango::DevVarStringArray &  names)

Get attribute(s) configuration.

Invoked when the client request the get_attribute_config_2 CORBA operation. It returns to the client one AttributeConfig_2 structure for each wanted attribute. All the attribute properties value are returned in this AttributeConfig_2 structure. Since Tango release 2, the attribute display level field has been added to this structure.

namesThe attribute(s) name list
A sequence of AttributeConfig_2 structure. One structure is initialised for each wanted attribute. Click here to read AttributeConfig_2 structure specification.
DevFailedThrown if the attribute does not exist. Click here to read DevFailed exception specification

◆ read_attribute_history_2()

virtual Tango::DevAttrHistoryList* Tango::Device_2Impl::read_attribute_history_2 ( const char *  name,
CORBA::Long  n 

Read attribute value history.

Invoked when the client request the read_attribute_history_2 CORBA operation. This operation allows a client to retrieve attribute value history for polled attribute. The depth of the history is limited to the depth of the device server internal polling buffer. It returns to the client one DevAttrHistory structure for each record.

nameThe attribute name
nThe record number.
A sequence of DevAttrHistory structure. One structure is initialised for each record with the attribute value, the date and in case of the attribute returns an error when it was read, the DevErrors data. Click here to read DevAttrHistory structure definition.
DevFailedThrown if the attribute does not exist or is not polled. Click here to read DevFailed exception specification

◆ read_attributes_2()

virtual Tango::AttributeValueList* Tango::Device_2Impl::read_attributes_2 ( const Tango::DevVarStringArray &  names,
Tango::DevSource  source 

Read attribute(s) value.

Invoked when the client request the read_attributes_2 CORBA operation. It returns to the client one AttributeValue structure for each wanted attribute.

namesThe attribute(s) name list
sourceThe data source. This parameter is new in Tango release 2. It allows a client to choose the data source between the device itself or the data cache for polled attribute.
A sequence of AttributeValue structure. One structure is initialised for each wanted attribute with the attribute value, the date and the attribute value quality. Click here to read AttributeValue structure definition.
DevFailedThrown if the attribute does not exist. Click here to read DevFailed exception specification

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